but it ended and she went back to her ex... when she broke up with him for me... we had a lot in common and we liked each other for a while
even when we were still friends a lot of ppl say we think the same. When her friends has a question that they dont no if they should ask her they would ask me first for my opinion...
lol i even remeber this one time this her friend ask me if she would be mad and what she would say haha... i told her how i felt about it and her friend asked her and then her friend called me back and was liek SEE i told u guys think alike, she said the same thing u did lol
but ya me and her broke up and we really couldn't be freinds or be like before... its hard... i couldn't believe what happen and i couldn't accept it...i liked her a lot but i did treat her pretty bad... we had good time together and i no she liked me a lot but i wasnt there for her when she needed me... dont think i need to go in details but what i believe to become friends again well be time.. and i agree once both have truly moved on thats when friendship can happen