How we can know guy is virgin?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by tsstcp, Aug 19, 2007.

  1. Espresso Bunny

    Espresso Bunny Well-Known Member

    I'm just going to leave it at that because everyone on the Internet likes to take segments and blow them up into another alternative. Making statements and generalizations has become redundant. If a guy had repeated sex with 1 partner and experience and he loved her, what would make him suddenly love you? I mean like said, it can be endless. You can write it anyway you want to. It just going to beat the horse dead.

    You speak on your personal end, but you have to realize it's just your point as well as my own.

    The connotation that you associated religion and marriage and all the before/after marriage does not have to be a religious reason. It can be personal ideas. Trying to squeeze scenarios out makes no sense because it trumps itself. How can you be faithful and then have another partner? Oh yeah, maybe SOMETHING happened and they no longer love each other. Or maybe she did something, or blah blah blah. Wiggling good guy, bad guy and virginity is endless as you say. I am not talking CHARACTER of the PERSON, VIRGIN or NOT.

    I am labeling Non-Virgins with the association that Non-Virgins are people that have more than 1 partner. Obviously this topic matters because a person wants to know the HISTORY of that person. If the person is a Virgin then you would know, but that doesn't rule out sexual contact which is often overlooked. It's IN CONTEXT, it's not a general out of the blue. Again, it's in context. I'm not going to match it up to specific, SAY FOR EXAMPLE types of things because people will not be bold enough to see, speak or say. It's funny how other thing written are ignored and dismissed but that the idea of Virginity is accepted. I am labeling them as dirty skanks/ man whores on the condition of PROMISCUITY. So person A who has many partners and person B who has many partners are definitely what? How would you label them? They are both not virgins.

    Again, how would you label a skank, a man whore? Really how would you? 1 thing is for sure, if they VALUE their virginity they are not either. BUT THOUGH, once it has been done, once they had sex and are no longer VIRGINS they CAN POSSIBLY fall in that category.

    NO SEX = IMPOSSIBLE for STD, Labeling of low morals, man whore. How can you call someone a slut that hasn't slept with someone?
    SEX = POSSIBILITY for STD, low morals, whore, etc.
    I'm sure you know what I mean, but it's not to say I AM LABELING THEM that way. Goodness, their sex life has NOTHING to do with their character - well a bit. Your example of the guy having sex with his wife and then moving on is just a restriction of possibilities, I'm sure we can all make examples that permit it acceptable, but that isn't the case.

    That's the odds, if you were to gamble and look at the logic function, having had sex already OPENS the door and odds. Not having SEX already closes it out. That's the logic and odds. I genuinely hope you understand now. Again, it's my preference. To make it more understandable. I would rather select someone that is a virgin and gamble that they are a nicer person, than with someone who lost their virginity. Of COURSE AGAIN, this is just open to many possibilities. But this is GIVEN if FACT could be told.

    So for example if GIRL A and GIRL B were presented to me and A was a Virgin and B was not a Virgin, I would select A of course. But this is again a situation in ITSELF, so please don't dissect. This is the thing I am talking about. Given th CONTEXT, choice and situation, I would want to select GIRL A and have a genuine relationship with her, rather than B, BECAUSE for the fact that B is a NON VIRGIN and it can mean she may have had more than 1 partner ! And if you want to say B has had the SAME PARTNER, then they must have had sex more than a few times and their relationship is quite DEEP right?? Unless, of course scenario comes along and they want to just have sex for no reason (which I doubt). So given the selection, I would pick Girl A. Whether she had a previous BF or whatever is another things or if she kissed is another thing, we are talking about Virginity here.

    On the other hand, if Person A was a Virgin and Person B was not a Virgin, wouldn't you think it mean something to Person A at least? Come on now. After all, this is why we talked about virginity because it matters. If you want and can throw around your body like that, then why bother? Person A will obviously inquire about Person B. On context and through an audience POV wouldn't the audience inquire Person A's motive with Person B? Now whether B has had more than 1 partner is not necessary.

    If your not a Virgin and you want to sleep with people and have sex with them and that is your preference doesn't that indicate something? The question is why VIRGINITY matters to you. If a person who has ethics, morals, standards, culture, etc. etc. VIRGINITY will matter obviously. Obviously it is cherished and sacred like many things. Sex shouldn't be thrown around like it is. The ideology is messed up. What I wrote I wrote already, whether people want to accept, read, is their thing.

    *I want to know why SOME girls prefer experienced guys? I see no real reasoning? Because they know how to have sex better? Because they watch porn enough and touch the area better? I see no real reason why someone, especially a VIRGIN would prefer an EXPERIENCED sex partner? I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND a VIRGIN x VIRGIN.

    Last thing I know, sex is sacred and sex is between 2 people. Sex is also different from person to person. So how can you get with a guy that has experienced sex in his own way to perform on you to YOUR STANDARDS? It makes no sense. If a guy likes this position and has been doing that position through his EXPERIENCE, what makes his experience satisfying on you? Guys with big penis will hurt girls with smaller areas right? Sex is sacred same with virginity, you throw it around like that and you have the wrong idea. What RULES out a VIRGIN's ability to perform? 1st times can be BAD like you said, but also GOOD.

    Whose to say a VIRGIN does not have experience?? I really want to know the reason why you prefer non-virgins. Maybe you can PM me. Your saying a NON-VIRGIN and experience guy. So your alright with him with many previous partners, new or same?

    I am pretty much done. I respect everyones own choice and decision and I am at least truthful in my ways and my thoughts and have written what I've written in utmost good faith.


  2. joannang

    joannang Active Member

    you'd probably know by how aggressive they are. or sometimes you just cant tell
  3. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    LOLOLOL sooo funny how its all serious n shit and then joannang just comes up wif an answer for the origiinal question... haii the climax deteriorated so fast :(
  4. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    virgin or not, why argue so much? just do him and you will know he's NOT a virgin.
  5. anakemas

    anakemas Member

    thy cant find the part wher is suppose to enter...
  6. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    how did I get involved in "sodomy"???? I never used this word...2 complicated :)

    I;m the 10th guy I guess...

    Look no further, I'm here...all in good jest, after all, it is the internet :)
  7. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    well.. read most of the discussion here..

    my take is that virgin or not has no direct relation to skill. A virgin who is well read/informed can know what to do when the time comes. A non-virgin who only knows how to hump will never be good at it no matter how many times he has had sex.

    so in my opinion, the virgin/non-virgin status is not a clear indication of how well he can satisfy women's needs in bed. It is true that non-virgins are more 'experienced' than virgins. But the experiences may be good or bad. If a non-virgin 'experienced' guy never learns from his 'experiences', he is not any better than an inexperienced virgin, who might even turn out better. And there are other factors affecting performance of a male.. but that is beyond scope of discussion.

    hence, there is no clear indication of whether a guy is a virgin or not, plus the fact that there are no known visible changes after having sex unlike that of a gal. And even for gals, it is not easy to tell.

    Anyway, regarding STDs or promiscuity, it is logical that a virgin will definitely have lesser chances of having STDs and certainly not promiscuous. But being a non-virgin does not necessarily mean that a guy has STDs or is promiscuous. The number of partners is a better gauge but it is subject to scrutiny.
  8. laziboi

    laziboi Well-Known Member

    i've done it a couple times but i still cant find the part im suppose to insert so i always ask them to do it for me. im always scared ill insert the wrong *part* and hurt them so i just ask. im just unexperienced
  9. Active Member

    you cant tell if they're virgins or not..
    buh what i believe is that.. to find out, you gotta try it with him? .. something liek that i guess.. coz if he is quite messy/clumsy.. then there you go~ you've got your answer xD he's a virgin.. well until he lost it to the other person who was tryin to find the answer..
  10. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    how hard can it be to just stick it in?

    no pun intended :)
    #70 adrianc, Aug 26, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2007
  11. Kevster21

    Kevster21 Member

    its not that hard to tell is it? haha
  12. Juk_Sing_Jai

    Juk_Sing_Jai Active Member

    well, i had the opposite where a girl told me she was a virgin but I knew she was lying because she was very "talented" in many ways. plus there was no blood which was the dead give away.. but with determining whether a guy is a virgin or not, i guess if he seems very "lost", then he may be telling the truth.
  13. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hahahahhaa...more and more sex on PA :p
  14. Soony

    Soony Member

    LoL.. does virgin matter that much?? its just like a grand opening of something.. haha..
    how can you tell whether a guy is virgin ornot?? hard.. cos there aint any way .. just words from the guy's mouth, believe it ornot.. its totally a different story.
  15. why thew hack you wanna know if someone is virgin =/ does that really matters....
  16. Active Member

    some girls dont need to shed blood to prove they're virgins. sometimes, they could've teared that hymen if they were sexually active or they've used a tampon.. the hymen is a thin layer of tissue.. so if she has used a tampon.. then yeahh she broke the hymen which caused her to bleed already.
  17. deep2000

    deep2000 Member

    I usually would observe how well the guy know bout making approaches. Such as usually virgins are known as the inexperience one. Often they are likely to miss out alot of actions they suppose to do that in order to satisfy their opposite attracts. Or they would say something wrong to piss girls off.
  18. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    What happens if they have been watching a lot of porn?!?
  19. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    that or.... pretending to be clumsy or inexperienced ????
  20. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    I'm just going to add to that. Masturbation can also tear the hymen.