yea theres no real point in comparing... im 18 right now in my FIFTH year of highschool and i still havent learned my lesson, still dont do my work. hope i get into uoft next year. LOL see theres always someone worse off than you
hahaha u sound like me, im 19 and frm my gcse to nw in uni i nvr studied like hardcore for exams, only last min its against my personal human rites and rules to study -lol but i shuld take things more seriously, or i b severely screwed -lol
well u cant compare yourself with oother people if someone has a rich family, they might have a car, boat and have a job and handing business card before going college think of the bright side some people have worst life than you some people born with sight, handicap through an accident , or even got kill before the age you. i read an article in the boston globe, there were 4 guys,age 18-21, in dorchestor. THey love music and were killed in tehir basement while making music. The murder is not benn arrested.
if you feel left behind, you should remember that there are many other people in this world that are even more behind in life
I feel like i am being left behind as well.. i'm slowly catching up but unlike people around me i still dont know what i want for my career and in life.
Whats the rush to get out of college?!?! College WILL (or has the potential to be) be the BEST DANG YEARS EVAAAAAR. The end. -cool2
You shouldn't worry about other ppls lives, focus on your own things and everthing will fall into place.