I fuckin hate mainlanders!

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by hadouken, May 19, 2009.

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  1. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    From some the comments that I have read, it's seems like a lot of you have the Hong Kong mentality thinking that your much better then the Mainlanders, but worship Koreans and Japanese ppl (A strereotype for hk, abc, cbc and bbc). I'm Chinese-canadian, I don't tell people I'm a Honger (even though my parents are form Hong Kong), Mainlander, or Taiwanese.

    You have to remember China has been closed off to World for quite sometime and they were a very poor country after war. What does this have to do with this topic? If you any encounters with new immigrants from other poor countries some are just as bad if not worst then mainlanders, due to lack of education and other things. Like some ppl say, it is the enviroment and the upbringing. Even now in China, poor people immigrate to get a better life in north America and I know they can really piss you off with their attitude...it takes time for them to adjust.

    Some of you guys/gals seem to closed minded towards chinese people, but accepting to others.
  2. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    ^ most of us are based on experience
    jsut like what you jsut did you strereotyped all the Hongers (whether abc, bbc etc...) have the mentalitiy to undermine others but worship others liek Japanese and Koreans.. maybe im not into all that kinda things but at the end of the day it is like worshiping the Box Office films through out the world and the popular music that is in the charts, it's just personal interest
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    good convos going on here.
  4. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    and what are your views then knoc?
  5. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i agree with what u said abt that lots of honkies look down on mainlanders...
    funny thing is...dude... at some stage MAJORITY of their ancestors came from mainland too....
    so i dont see the point in sayin shit like that...

    i can even tell from my cousins who are first generation in HK... their parents (from guangdong n shanghai) moved there 30 years or so n guess what....those chicks think their better than mainlanders.... which irritates me

    i was born in NL...m i supposed to think wow... all those ppl from china all suck... n all those chin exchange students in my country are noy as good as me cuz i was born n raised with other morals.....

    oh n also how some honkies (also chinese btw) tryna copy krn or japanese style....=/ like their clothes n shit
  6. Humans tend to look for people to look down on to elevate themselves or give themselves a sense of worth.
  7. RockkxD

    RockkxD Moderator

    To be honest, I am just here to express my opinion. If you really think I am ass kissing Ang, then you're totally wrong because If i was to ass kiss him, then what's my motive? To become a Super Moderator? Dude, I didn't get to where I got to without doing anything. Plus, people vouching for you doesn't mean their ass kissing as well (olol friends)? Don't try to make me look like I am a total dumbass. But seriously, I am just agreeing/supporting Ang but it has nothing to do with what you think it is. Nor do I care what you have to say but that post made a digusting expression that I had to react to. Im sorry but I am not crying, so you can keep your crap to yourself, MissCheeks.
  8. person

    person Well-Known Member

    I understand how you feel.

    Some mainlanders are rude. It seems as if they purposely talk loudly to draw attention to themselves. I hate the loud girls who talk, they my age yet they act all shy and childish, it pisses me off.

    But then again, there are mainlanders who aren't rude and are respectful. Depends on the ones you meet. Though most are loud and annoying.
    I know a few people who're mainlanders and they're not like the people you encountered, so I don't really hate mainlanders. Some annoy me though.
  9. master g you're totally clueless to what we've been talkin about throughout the whole 3 pages.

    If some mainlander walked into a store, pushed customers around, act loud or threw garbage on the floor am i to just say hey its ok you're new here? you get a free pass for pushing people around? thats where you get real and i highly doubt all hongers if they do, have that mentality just because they want to have a sense of "worth" as some of them are just as poor but they have to deal with it everyday.

    cheeks : takin it too personal its not about bein better its something along the lines of social attitude and you're always comin up with some really outrageous examples!
  10. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Well, if your parent taught you to push people in order to get the stuff you want and the same has been done to you... why wouldn't you do the same? It's the fault of the soceity that created the characteristic of that person

    Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't be mad at them... but while you're bashing on them, they might think you could have done the same and it's your own fault for not pushing them back...
  11. ^

    i wouldn't complain if i were in china, oh wait i would anyways..
  12. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    Maybe I should start up a "why I like mainlanders" forum, it wouldn't get much replies.
  13. intraland

    intraland Well-Known Member

    if the mainlanders on the train just throw trash out the window... then what is the use of a garbage can?
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Lol... i dunno u tell me why :)? what was so disgusting lol....??? did i use any dirty examples, foul language(did i even use the word fuck?) did i insult anyone by using examples, examples that i myself do not agree to but used to make a point with (which was pretty obvious)?

    anyways, i responded to u later cuz u were being all "emotional" n pms-ish on me because i merely used an EXAMPLE n U took it personal when i mentioned something bad abt americans...n btw, stop getting all emotional...it feels like ur gonna rip ur own heart out or pee in ur pants or somethin...which scares me

    LOL, i am using examples to explain myself... n also to show u how u come off when sayin shit like that!!
    so if thats wrong in ur opinion, please go ahead n tell me whats so different between: " i hate black ppl cuz their lazy n steal stuff"n I FUCKING HATE MAINLANDERS cuz they are rude n shit....????

    at the end of the day, this is just a reply to what u've posted.... i disagreed so i opened my mouth n said something
    unless u start a " bash the mainlanders ONLY" thread (if yes than i was unaware of that!)

    had discussions abt stereotyping before with negiq abt black ppl... i find it quite similar la...

    n by the way, Ang, if it bugs u that someone is just throwing garbage or stuff just open ur mouth n tell em when they really cross the line for u...
    if someone is pushing me while im in a huge crowd, i will be sure to say something abt it when i think ive had enough of it.... I never told u to tolerate ppl who r rude... dude, if someone is rude BY ALL MEANS SAY SOMETHIN ABT IT TO THEM or bash em on the spot.... whatever u like! couldnt care less....

    im not taking things personal, i am merely expressing my point of view.... i know i can and DO come off bitchin' but hey thats just me, thought yall knew that by now.....
    im not mad or whatever... *shrugs*
  15. you're like a 10 year old who puts 2 fingers to ears and goes "lalala" igorant to anything we've written so far.
  16. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    lol a lot of irony in this thread :p

    as for me, I don't necessarily hate ill-mannered mainlanders, I just dislike ill-mannered people in general.... but, while I do dislike ill-manners, I also understand there are many external factors that can make a person who they are - education, socialization, governance, upbringing, income, etc, etc, etc. - so while i dislike them i can't really blame them for it either! lol

    anyways ang vs angie place your bets!!!!! :laugh:
  17. LoL before i started this thread i've already pictured arguing with angie in a thread 3 pages long no joke and it came out exactly how i thought it would.
  18. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Congrats man, you've achieved your goal LOL headbang2
  19. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Er... that would be only very poor quality or ego challenged humans. Most people aren't that shallow.


    You know, there is another side to this of course.

    I remember going with Mrs Ralph to our first OB-Gyn appointment, and my missus had asked around her friends for a Chinese speaking OB. So arriving our first time into the doctor's office, the receptionist asked my wife for her passport or green card for identification. When my wife told her that she didn't think it was necessary to bring it, the doctor (a woman in her 50's or so) who just happened to be standing several steps behind the receptionist, then berated her from across the room; admonishing her for not carrying proper ID all the time. She then launched into a "what if the cops should stop you, et cetera" type of reasoning to back up her statements. She basically ostracized and publicly embarrassed my wife in front of an entire waiting room full of strangers, without even knowing who we were or what we were there for.

    Now, of course all of the above took place in Chinese.

    I thereupon replied to her in a volume twice as loud, and in English, saying, "Excuse me, we're two minutes into your office, you don't even know who we are, and you're talking to us like we're your bastard children? How dare you be so rude? It's obvious to me that you're certainly NOT the kind of medical professional that we want or need attending the birth of our child. You can go fuck yourself, 'doctor'." We promptly left and got a Korean OB the next day.

    The moral here is, that even very educated mainlanders can be just as rude or abrupt and shockingly condescending. :whistling:
  20. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    I actually agree with MissCheeks, because all she is saying is don't judge a group of people base off some assholes. She is using her examples to illustrate a point.

    I understand why you are pissed off at the mainlanders at the doctors office and did what you did, hell I would would've done the same thing as you. But the fact that you targeted one group people is what kinda annoyed me. Let me ask you this, would you post this topic or do the same thing if a black person did the same to you? You probably wounldn't. I'm just tired of hearing all the bad wrap about chinese people, when some of them are trying to change.

    you should dislike assholes in general.
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