a couple should spend their time doin things TOGETHER. when they are TOGETHER,don do things dat will only profit one side and desert da other side. guys can play during their OWN time. girls can find their frens and go out shopping during their OWN time. so it's even...
I am with you, I hate it when my bf spends sooooooooooooo much time on these videogames.....grrrrrrrr.....so what I do is, pretend that I am angry and go sleep when he plays game lol....-shock
pull your bf out of da house, go shopping/watching sunset, kicking sand at the beach or just simply dinning out and catch a movie later.
Yea. If the guy doesn't even notice that you are bored or knows but doesn't budge from his video games, I wouldn't waste my time on him. I believe that video games should be played on his own time. He should make the effort to actually do something with you. Or pull him out ^^.
How is a guy suppose to play game on his own time if he and her gf is together all the time?? You know, Some couple do live together.
I guess you should dump the guy and find yourself a new bf...lol. Man if those guys are just like zombies for hours looking at the game of course, any girls would get annoyyed. My auntee gets very annoyyed and fustrated everytime she sees my uncle plays warcraft. She go nuts and bananas over him that she wanna smash the computer....lolz...it's true...no joke