i hate when people drive so slow!!

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Naoko, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. av911

    av911 Active Member

  2. well obviously if everyone just cared about their own agenda then there would be no speed limit and people that go 200mph would think your the slow driver...
  3. cpfwb

    cpfwb Member

    unless theyre driving like under the limit by like 20 or whatever, there is really nothing to complain about...though the people weaving through the traffic might not get into an accident... but its those people who get others into accidents...if they are that slow...overtake them lol...
  4. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    i dont mind slow drivers

    but i hate those punks that drive one handed, windows down n music blasting

    hahaha but the worst thing is they doing it in a shed of a car

    if i had road rage i ram that sucker off the road -evil
  5. you just hate the way we be leanin' lol. nah I hate it when they got the seat all reclined up like they gonna sleep n drive at the same time...
  6. HellGuard99

    HellGuard99 Well-Known Member

    oh how horrible i hate those people, they cant drive fo shizzle.. especially when theres an accident and thers a traffic jam...
  7. leefooleong

    leefooleong Well-Known Member

    Alright fellas, cool it! It's nothing wrong going slow. Maybe they are not the expert liked you fellas. Give them a break! Be kind..Anyway, how fast have you guys done on 2 or 4 wheels? Be honest! Take a deep breath and count to10 before you start swearing at the poor slow driver.
  8. WTF!? it's slow drivers... not fuckin' the mentally retarded handicap... give them a break...!? how about givin' yourself a brake and stop fuckin' swirvin' thru the lanes... and if ya not careful about it, maybe that slow driver is gonna speed up and catch your ass with a -shoot....

    PS: 1 away from 1,111 post!!
  9. hidden dragon

    hidden dragon Well-Known Member

    slow drivers so ass dey r jis time waster lol
  10. karenee

    karenee Member

    slow drivers drive me nutz when they just don't move out of the way. but hey... at least they don't cause toppled over crashes on the highway!
  11. lol I just drove my friend's crappy ass car today and it's really sad cuz I was haulin' ass at like 70-80 on the freeway, but people were still passing me up like it was nothing -lol. It was so embarrassing when even the big ass trucks were passing us...
  12. awwaves4ever

    awwaves4ever Well-Known Member

    Yea.. slow drivers can be quite annoying sometimes.. but it sounds to me like you have to watch out for the way you drive. You can always just pass them but if you are annoyed because you are always late or have very little time to get from point A to point B, then I would suggest revising your schedule. There's definitely no reason to speed like crazy. I think it's 1) dangerous and 2) asking for a pull-over by the cops.
  13. kityee168

    kityee168 Member

    I can't stand slow drivers too, i find them very annoying and they make me mad.
  14. hancc

    hancc Active Member

    Slow driver???? As long as they stay in the slow lane, they can drive slow...what I can't stand, are those slow driver on the fast lane...AAaaarrgh
  15. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i hate it when ppl drive so slow..lower than speed limit when im in a rush
  16. ug1yu

    ug1yu Active Member

    I did that once rammed someone when they where driving slow. He was going 20mile on a 50 zone. I got pissed off and just straight ram them.
  17. Sexygundam

    Sexygundam Well-Known Member

    I hate it when people drive too slow coz I always miss part of the movie I'm going to see in the cinemas and I can't get anywhere coz there are strict driving rules that say you can only drive 30mph -dead
  18. ImportTuner

    ImportTuner Active Member

    if there are 2 lanes and you drive slow, you better stay in the right hand lane. and if you are in the left hand lane, don't be pacing with the car to your right, blocking the path so nobody can pass....