Just let it gradually go its way. If it was meant to be, then you will eventually know and you will eventually have a chance. For now, just be friends and if it eventually can go further than that, you'll be able to feel it from the way she acts towards you and you'll know that you can take the next step. Dropping the bomb and suddenly bringing it up can have dire consequences (as I learned the hard way in the past) I remember many years ago (when everyone in the world was using ICQ still) I told someone that I liked them on ICQ, and that ruined our 6-7 year close friendship that we had. She tried avoiding me in every way she could. Well, it's many years later and we're friends again, but so much wasted time inbetween. And I remember around 5-6 years ago, I had asked someone to be my gf through a present, and inside that present was a letter. *cough* She was my gf for... oh... 1 week... and I went to Hong Kong for a month. When I came back, she told me that she just can't be without her old bf again, and they were back together again. -_-" Can anyone say DUMP? Well, we're still friends though, with both her and her bf. So right now, I asked using the most direct way, and I have been with my current gf for over 3 years and we plan to get married next year. So what I'm trying to say is... I feel for you man. But at least you had as best a result as possible, aside from a 'yes'. You're still friends with her, you still see her and most importantly, SHE'S STILL SINGLE. Ok, I totally lost my point. Good luck man!
yup thats so pussy like... how do u feel when u get a message on ur phone from a -batman hopefully u get a message back...
nowadays nothing is really weird to send over a text message... as long as it's from both ways... it's no problem.
i did it once over email, pretty awkward when we saw each other in lesson the next day, wasnt unrequited btw, i dont roll like that -coolio