How to Peel a Potato: Hold the potato in one hand.Take a peeler in your other hand. Slant the peeler downward and slowly peel the skin off. Turn the potato around and peel the other side. Do the same to top and bottom. Rinse the potato with cold water. Tips Make sure you get off all the skin. Use the tip end of the peeler to remove the 'eyes' Save clean, non-nasty peels and add them to soup or fry them. The skin is full of vitamins and minerals and shouldn't be wasted if you are tight on money. Warnings The peeler is sharp. Be careful never to have your hand in front of it, as it can frequently "jump" after you hit a tough spot in the potato. Do not throw your scraps down your garbage disposal. It will actually cause your disposal to break and it will cost you more in the end.