I LOVE Running Man~!did u guys see the latesT GARY ONE?

Discussion in 'Korean Chat' started by homoloto, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. Mister X

    Mister X Member

    Well, I watched the chinese subs and the translation was actually 'Not married' there.
  2. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    ^ I asked the iSubs member and they also suggested that it was "Not Married".

    But apparantly MC is back in 98... if SJH and Garie is fine with it.. me too.
  3. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    I love episodes when there are no guests, actually makes it one of the best episodes produced. There was a few scenes that happened early in the episode but they weren't important so i'm just going to talk about the main mission.

    With all the zombie apocalypse topics, the PD's finally came up with an episode to imply this topic in. I'm kinda surprised they gave Gary the chance to be the real zombie.. not sure if it's planned out or not (when they picked the mission from the park). YJS had another shot at his water gun episode, so i guess it's another shot for Gary for his "True-Gary Show".

    Monday Couple caption came up & i'm actually a bit surprised by this. They were even shown on screen holding hands. Honest opinions I am happy that if Monday Couple is really back, I'd be happy (without any awkwardness between them which they seem to be fine with each other now). But they should just clear it up that if they are broken up or not cause a few episodes ago they were broken up.. but this caption makes us wonder lol. They actually have great teamwork I must say, the duo baited/caught a few others. Most surprising was KJK's scene in which he fell in their trap so unknowingly.

    This game came up quite unexpected for my expectation. I love how the PD's made it so it's not that one sided (usually the spy ALWAYS win). Unless YJS is really good, i think this is really well planned out. Good job on the production crew for making the glow-in-the-dark name tags, in which it was a very crucial part for the Human Team. YJS/SukJin caught GwangSoo when he said "Let's move to the brighter side" so that was a really crucial thing he said. SukJin caught on perfectly & got him out. I was actually proud of SukJin getting so far into the game & he showed his detective skills very well. I really want to see more of this from him. Also strength was not an advantage to the zombie side because the humans had guns. Yes it does come into play but with guns to get the zombies out.. it's really a lot easier then going up to them & rip the nametags out.

    YJS is really a good warrior. Although I really wanted the Zombie team to win, it would be epic if YJS made a comeback. He is so smart with his gameplay & it was surprising how his scent was to help him survive for a tad longer. He almost got the win but in a 1vs2 fight, it is really hard to fight that out. At first i thought that when humans were turned into zombie, it really was guaranteed that the zombie would win.. like the zombie team is just getting stronger and stronger. But for the zombies to die quite easily once their nametag is shot.. it's really a fair game imo. Great episode.
  4. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    I think this episode was filmed before the Park Ji Sung episodes & I think it is a perfect “filler episode” leading to #100. Right from the start, not sure if it was scripted or anything but when Gary came out by himself it was pretty funny. Maybe couple of jokes of Gae-uest and even his even “Stress” to be Gae-stress.
    Never in this episode had I thought that there were chances of being a spy (or two). As much as I hate the spy concept now, I think this episode was best time for being spies. There always had to be rebels or betrayals within a Kingdom so I didn’t oppose to the concept of spies in this episode. GwangSoo finally gets his time to shine as a spy & it’s been a while since we’ve seen Haha as spy too. What made me really proud of GwangSoo was getting rid of Taegon’s nametag. I think he’s improved greatly in his game play, staying alive longer as well as able to get rid of people out of the game.
    The mini-games to conquer territories were just a time filler in my opinion. Yes there were a few games that gave a good laugh especially the multiplication game. It’s quite funny to watch them struggle on some simple multiplication. I mean it is hard to answer it so quickly under pressure.
    Not a bad episode, but not the greatest (leaning toward the better side). Looking forward to 100.

    A great episode. It would be better if in the beginning, every member gives a mini-speech to thank the viewers about supporting them as only YJS had the speech. A mini-red carpet celebration was nice. On a side note.. the preview for 100 had nothing to do with the episode alone.

    The first game was a good one. Fast and quick game that brought us right into the main mission afterwards. It wasn't so bad that there were 2 humans, although they were kind of weak. During the voting stage, it was funny when KJK said his own name. He himself is almost a god himself when it comes to games, is just that everyone teams up on him making the situation impossible.

    Great concept by the PDs. A good concept that the god of w/e is also their own weakness. It was good that the end was not scripted at all, because usually when you have pretty guest like Hee Sun, they'll win unconditionally. I even love how YJS & Gary teamed up on her at the end & when YJS used the lipstick as the stamp.. it was really funny. It would have been even better if Gary won at the end.. which he almost did.

    Although they did team up on her, it was really generous of YJS giving his trophy to Hee Sun. I really like that :)
  5. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    After coming off a great Episode 100, I did feel this episode was boring. I loved how her real name Chun Sung Im is actually CSI too. It took me 20-30 minutes into the episode without googling & remembering who actually is Chun Sung Im, and it was Ji Hyo herself. Lol

    Limbo part was short & gave a good laugh. Especially with YJS hand gesture. No idea if it actually helped him get through but it seemed rather useless. The finding the clues in 2nd mission had a good detective feel to it, which was good. Finding a witness was funny. Their drawings were definitely better compared to what I have done & i had the most laugh with the Green Team's drawing. All looked the same, like a baby.

    Last mission was a tad boring until the last part. The guest seemed really weak for themselve & there was no way there were going to win. Once Yoon Do Hyun was elimmed, it was already against them. At the end, i felt really proud of Haha & Gary to win the episode. Don't think we've seen them pair up alone in a long time if not at all (last time maybe KJK & 2 Kids?). It was fun to see what the 2 kids could do.
  6. gemini

    gemini Active Member

    korean shows are so cool! it's very entertaining watching it! my favourites are invincible youth and we got married. but running man is also very funny :)
  7. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Gary & Gil to take hiatus from variety shows?

    RM wouldnt be the same without Gary. Actually one of the strongest in RM.
  8. benii

    benii Member

    of course ..
    i still watching them till now ..
    the latest episode 158 . .

    i like kook the most . .
  9. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    Kinda dead but episode 205 is one of the best episodes in a long time... so funny.
  10. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    I agree. Hong Jinyoung was very very good (Y). A variety star indeed. Just started her WGM too, and after this episode I like her even more.

    Episode 206 is kinda weird. I hate the cooking contest but seeing Joo Won on RM is cool considering I've watched him at 1n2d.
  11. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    Looks like SNSD will be back on running man soon, to bad Jessica is no more in the group.
  12. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    It would be so troll if they brought in Jessica as the spy.

    Too bad my preference now is 1n2d rather than Running Man. I still watch it but it's more about the cast interaction rather than the missions for me now :lol:. Their ratings haven't been too great lately..
  13. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    I been a fan of 1n2d since the beginning, just didn't like season 2. Season 1 is the best. Running Man is only fun to watch when they have certain guests. The missions/games are getting boring.
  14. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    It's funny cause I only started watching from Season 2, so I dont know why season 1 was like. I do prefer Yoo Jaesuk over Kang Ho Dong though. I watched Barefoot Friends which was hosted by KHD and it was a flop. Also watching Cool Kiz and he's the main MC, and definitely prefer Yoo Jaesuk's style of MC. Heck, if you remember Lee Sugeun, I prefer him more than KHD. He recently made a comeback on one of KBS variety shows but it's not mainstream, so I do hope to see him back.

    On the bright side, Running Man probably does the best internationally out of the 1n2d and Real Men. Kwangsoo and KJK's make bare cash in China, and the whole RM have yearly Asia fanmeets. So while they might not have 15% ratings anymore (hover around 8-12% now), at least they're the most popular internationally.
  15. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    If you saw season 1 first, you'll know why it's the best but I'm happy season 3 is doing well and it's actually good too. Yoo Jaesuk is the better MC compare to KHD. He can be really annoying with his voice. Cool Kiz is a hit or miss for me, depends on the guess players and the sport.

    Running Man is really popular overseas and it's one of the main reason why this show is still airing cause China bought the copyright to make RM China, I'm sure you seen it. It's pretty much the same with famous Chinese artists. They even had a RM Korea vs RM China. As long as it have decent ratings at home and a large international supporters, it'll be fine for a few more years. But this show has been running for away now and most korean variety shows don't last very long.
  16. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    I started from the first episode KBSWorld uploaded for Cool Kiz, right now I'm at Taekwondo recruitment. I like the teamwork and whatnot (also why I liked RM so much cause of their chemistry and teamwork).

    I just hate how some games are repetitive. They would never go back to it, but the beginning where they were locked down and had bell hide-and-seek, those were the greatest episodes despite not having great ratings. IMO, just bring back name-tag ripping. That's what RM is; go back too their roots.
  17. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    yup, love the name-tag ripping, it's like they forgot about the title of their show, they come up so many other games and missions that I just don't care anymore. Need more running, chasing and hiding....