i need serious help

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by madlyinlove, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. Xzyrus

    Xzyrus Well-Known Member

    You gave a girl who's not your GF yet $700USD and you wonder why your parents are overprotective?
  2. yea... $700 dollars and he ain't gettin no draws..

    They overprotective cuz you spent $700 dollars tryin' to get some ass... of course they gonna be scared... it's like lot worst than a gambling habit...
  3. ahhamah

    ahhamah Well-Known Member

    Stop wasting your time....this is not a movie where a happy ending will occur......sorry for the blunt comment but it had to be said
  4. slk86

    slk86 Active Member

    whoa $700... thats a bit extreme
  5. dude... NEVER tell a girl that u LOVE her when u don't have he slightest idea of wot her feelings r... coz this is wot usually/always happens

    a) u freak her out... n she'll b avoiding u from then on

    b) how the hell do u expect a girl to reply when u tell her that u love her n she barely knew u exist??

    c) if she's really evil she'll just use u...

    but since u said she's not that bad then i guess u can rule "c" out...

    good luck...
  6. ahhamah

    ahhamah Well-Known Member

    I'm not her but even i'm creeped out
  7. p3ps1c0la

    p3ps1c0la Well-Known Member

    All I have to say is don't change urself for anyone. Just be who you are and everything will turn out just fine for yah. If she doesn't like you that's her problem. And there's nothing wrong with being a nerd! There are lots of hotties that wanna get with the intellectuals. Just stay positive. Oh and don't act so desperate, not good.

    Also, most of the time the hotter the girl is the more self concious she'll be so if you start to ignor her I'm pretty sure she'll find you to all of a sudden be a bit of a mystery. Then the balls in ur court.
  8. or maybe even the hotter girls are like regular girls who are not self conscious all the time... you can ignore her... cuz she damn sure as hell ain't paying attention to you anyways. And it seems like even if the ball is on his court, he ain't gonna know what to do with it.
  9. jtang

    jtang Member

    i just want to say you're a dumb ass, haha. well just take some of this advice into consideration.

    1. get some confidence and stop playing dota cs or whatever the hell you're playing.
    2. get a job, get paid, treat yourself to some nice clothes. tell your parents job experience is what's gonna help you in the future.
    3. nerds are cool.
    4. never be submissive, you give a girl what she wants, then she'll need nothing from you. the only thing you should offer is your personality and your traits.
    5. you're predictable, quit being the nice guy.
    6. girls like fun guys. dont be all mushy with her, be a friend first, make her laugh till she shits in her pants.

    you're damn lucky i don't charge for advice like this.
    i know some of you girls out there might be reading this, but this is my view on girls. i don't necessarily treat them "bad." all i know is that nice guys never win, and they never get the good things in life.
  10. DaProdigy_718

    DaProdigy_718 Well-Known Member


    lol, haven't u guys ever seen the movie Revenge of the Nerds? The Nerd came out on top and won the head cheerleader. Nerds can get chicks too man.

    Nah but seriusly, avant and ecko is right. Just listen to em
  11. qwertyu

    qwertyu Member

    i agree