139lbs? thats nothing! i'm 5'3 n 162lbs? i do find myself fat.. i'm not ashame of my body tho... but my dad does really pressure me to loss weight >_< but yea if ur 139 n 5'5 then ur not fat at all.. so yea... i should be the one making a topic like this..
hi everybody, im david i came in this thread today to tlk about my enormous body. i am 5"6 and weight 250lbs. people laguh at me and i want to punch them but im always holding a sandwiche on one hand and a coke on the other. i emailed oprah, ellen, dr phil, and even montel but no reply. i live a sad life and hae no freinds cept for this mandarin girl who i tlk to on msn. i showed her a pic of edison and she thinks it is me. ahhhh im gonna cry now lol
cut down ur food in take n go exercise daily! if u are desparate, try Hoodia pills. it stops u from feelin hungry n u can jux hv one meal a day w/out feelin starved. my frd told me dat Nicole Richie was on dat pill as well. but of coz dun take it regularly for a long time. its gona damage ur bodily function!
not being funny, but I'm 5ft6, and I'm about 9-10 stones, I don't think it's over weight at all. Well I'm a female and I have body parts that other people haven't so thats my excuse =P...but the point is, 9-10 stones is not over weight, and plus muscle is heavier than fat. My friend is a skinny rat and he's 5ft5 and he's pretty weighty because its all muscle, theres no meat on him! Seeing as you go to the gym, don't you think it's muscle than the fat thats making you heavier. Not saying you should quit the gym, but don't have such a negative view on yourself, you may see it like that, but has anyone actually turned to you and said "your fat!" ? Anyway, tips: don't eat after 8PM, less junk food, more water, more active (well you go gym so thats pretty more active than many people on this forum haha), play DDR (well thats not really one, but it works though, REALLY tones your stomach and legs, plus its jus fun!).... but honestly, don't have such a negative view on yourself.
lee-lee's advice sounds helpful. I wish I could commit myself to a diet, but it's pretty impossible for me. Some times I just tend to forget that I need to loose weight, or just don't care. =[
Well, the hardest part about losing weight is not eating as much as you used to. That involves your own will. Before you eat anthing, think "Do I really want to eat this? Do the health advantages outweigh the fat?" And don't eat a lot at one time. Downsize portions. Also establish a regular health regimen. You may want to join a martial art, etc., or just walk around or bike instead of taking a car.
never go on fad diets... if you quit eating... your body just switches to starvation mode... yes you do lose weight in terms of numbers (mostly due to loss of water... or even worse, muscle mass) .. but once you revert back to normal eating habits... your body will simply absorb everything that you eat... so... that's why people who go on fad diets have rollercoaster weight rides. it really depends on your gene makeup and metabolism... some lose weight way quicker than others.. but determination and persistance is the key i was able to lose 55 pounds by eating normally and running everyday. no pills. no laxatives. use your common sense when eating... we all know what's healthy and what's not... and i see no point of cutting out all food stuffs when it's a blessing that you are able to have food on the table everyday.... why i say persistance and determination is the key, is because we all know what one needs to do to lose weight - eat healthily, do exercise. It's just a matter of whether you put your words into practice and start hitting the gym and cutting out on the junk.
http://cookiemonzters.blogspot.com/2006/11/never-starve-yourself-to-lose-weight.html Losing weight the healthy way.
wow....loosing like 20 kg is really good.....i guess the key thing to loosing is weight is determination....and keeping yourself motivated.....sth thats hard....well good luck...!!
hey sup yo. i loose like 12 kg in 3mnth and it's thanks to carb diet. - I say Lee-Lee you're right drink plenty of water and don't eat white rice as it contain lotsa carbs and all. - Make sure you excercise as this help you lose weight faster, excercise in the morning with empty stomach burns fat more and also it still burn ur fat when you're not even exc for about 30 mins. lol - avoid food that contain lots of carb, when you're buying products make sure you read the back thing make sure it contain 5g of carb n 5g of surgur or lower. - eat lots of vegies and fruit if you're hungry, make sure you don't eat more than 2 apples though. - you're allow to snack a bar of choc or diet jellys - palm size meat my friend lol that's all i remember, maybe you should research over the net for carb diet or something. for me when i first start of i join a tony furgerson program that my friend join and it works for me. you should go check the tony furgerson website it has alot of stuff that helps you =D if you cant run just walk, i walk 30 mins all the time and sometime i push up to 1hr walk. it feels good at the end of the day release all my stress. also the best time for exc is morning, afternoon you say you go to the gym, you don't need to, just walk around your block who care what ppl see i used to be like nah i dun wana go for a walk outside cos ppl gona see a fat gal walking but now look at me i walk around the block almost everyday and my aim is to lose 25 kg i used to be 80kg now i'm 69 kg? everytime i lose a kg i'm like HEY IM GONNA LOSE ANOTHER NEXT WEEK lol thats what keeps my motivated when i GAIN i'm like NEXT WEEK I'LL LOSE THAT lol once you start lossin weight my friend, you're going to be very motivated like it's your GOAL i am serious, so start doin it now before you need to go to the BIGGEST LOSER show hahaha lol
if you cant run just walk, i walk 30 mins all the time and sometime i push up to 1hr work. it feels good in the end of the day release all my stress