I want to lose weight! Please help!

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by wongie, Apr 2, 2007.

  1. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    yes... eating two meals a day is bad... well sorta... theoretically it won't harm u, the problem is u'll feel hungry/tired most of the day and ur metabolism won't be very fast so losing weight won't really happen...

    so the best solution is to have 5-6 small portions/meals a day... figure out how many calories you need to take in, in order to lose weight... then divide it by 5-6 meals a day, some people choose to do larger meals during breakfast and dinner, that's fine as long as ur calorie intake is where it should be and ur still eating 5-6 meals(note: snacks should also be considered meals if they're going to take up a large chunk out of ur calories in any given day)

    in terms of what foods are good, there's a lot of nutrition info out there so research should be done...the following list is an example and is no way the only source of fat losing foods, but in general:
    fish(tuna and/or salmon are good choices),
    chicken(skinless of course),
    egg whites,
    brown rice,
    oatmeal(not the sweet stuff from quaker, although u can add a little bit of sugar if u must)
    whey(my form of whey is in a shake form, mix it with non/low fat milk and it tastes like a chocolate milk shake)
    beans(soy beans are great),
    peanut butter(oddly enough, ur going to need good fats in order to lose fat and a spoon of peanut butter is good for that)
    any green veggies,
    fruits are up in the air(I haven't found any solid info on fruits... but I usually have a banana with me during long days on campus... also stay away from juice unless it's squeezed in front of u),
    and if u must of red meat then make sure its LEAN as in no fat on it whatsoever

    swimming is great for losing weight, but remember to actually swim and not just play around... like all cardio exercises, ur heartrate should go up... having said that, I don't promote just doing cardio... u'll need muscle to increase ur metabolism so u'll lose the weight quicker and u'll have a smaller chance of regaining it...
  2. cutesky

    cutesky Active Member

    oo wow thanks for the good info! :] and advice
  3. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    i only eat one meal a day. soooo bad huh? seems to work for me tho
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    one meal a day crazy lol, what time you eat? how you have the energy to do anything lol.
  5. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    well. maybe i fibbed a little. i have a cup of tea as soon as i get up. and i usually eat around 6. i know it's so nuts.
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    6 in the morning or evening?
  7. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    ^oh gosh 6 PM!!! hell would freeze over before i wake up at 6 in the morning. i usually go to bed at that time. plus, the thought of eating that early makes me nauseous.
  8. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lols, going to bed in the morning, but when i wake up that early i usually would have to eat something, i'm just starving everytime i'm awake lol, but lee-lee eat more!!!!! lols gotta have proper nutrition.
  9. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    ^yeah, proper nutrition....half an inch to desired measurement...proper nutrition...half an inch...half an inch...half an inch....
    somethings gotta give.
  10. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol, there are different voices in your head huh lols, hopefully that's not the sign that you're fainting or something lol cause that would be bad, well hopefully you will meet your goal and then get back to some proper nutrition lols.
  11. yayyitsshortie

    yayyitsshortie Active Member

    you can eat less.& exserzie more(; that can really helpp.
  12. xbbylovex

    xbbylovex Member

    eat properly. don't binge. exercise.
  13. natnat528

    natnat528 Active Member

    I heard drinking a few cups of green tea a day would help?

    Good luck! Just don't be too down on yourself, try to be optimistic :)
  14. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Try swimming, swimming burns a lot of the fat in your body. Swimmers usually have the lowest body fat of all athletes.
  15. wheezo

    wheezo Well-Known Member

    running helps and watching what you eat.
    don't starve yourself, it's not healthy, throwing up is really bad for you.
    the myth of eating before you sleep doesnt make you fat.
    you just have to burn more calories than you consume.

    my ex was prolly 135 around 5'3 she been running and trying to eat healthier foods like salads sometimes, not all the time because she cant break the habit of good food. =) she got down to 125, she's aiming for 115. i think it's been like 6 months and she runs about 2 times a week. she has extremely good stamina now. i use to run with her for awhile, but i injured my knee playing basketball and haven't been running since.

    if u dont like running, just start slow, jog a little, walk a little, jog again wen u're ready. pretty soon u can jog long distances without stopping. when you're running, in your head you're going to think "why am i doing this?" or "i can't do this." just tell yourself "just a little more" and you have to be serious about losing weight and be consistent.

    and it's true what chubbiecheeks said. you do lose some fat in breast size.

    okay, now someone tell me how to gain weight. =)
  16. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    I'm curious, did the OP lose weight like what he wanted to? or remained the same?
  17. klikeeinc

    klikeeinc Well-Known Member

    great advice guess i gotta start jogging now and eat less
  18. wheezo

    wheezo Well-Known Member

    i wouldn't say eat less, eat smart, watch your caloric intake.
  19. jcy_yan

    jcy_yan Well-Known Member

    Mix and drink a glass of honey, lemon and warm water every morning, it increases your metabolism and this helps to remove toxins and such like from your system.

    Watch the amount of honey you put in though, honey has a lot of calories.
  20. jcy_yan

    jcy_yan Well-Known Member

    Oh and coffee or tea or anything that has caffeine increases your metabolism too