there is two things you need to do to lose weight 1) Do cardio 2) Eat Healthy and small portions + fruits (apples and oranges are good) *Warning* Do not lose weight too fast or else you'll have flabby skin which looks sick. Think of losing about 2 lbs a week. ________ Slow Deepthroat
hmmm. it;s the habits also. When u got nothing to do, instead of eating walk, clean etc etc. better eating alot and gaining weight. exercise is good, with diet.
well eatting less does result in loss of weight, but do u really wanna lose that much weight? the best answer is to not lose weight but transform the weight from fat to muscle, losing drastic weight is really harmful for your body, cepally if you're not even that heavy to begin with... lol don't barf ur food out, that's retarded :*(
At the firs time i would eat less than I'm used to eat. For example you ate 3 bowls of rice. Then you eat less and less rice for a meal. From 3 bowls to 2 bowls and finally to 1 bowl. Then i might change my food into healthy food and make gym. But I don't know what's better. Either exercises like aerobic and cardio or go to center where you can cycling, running etc. ???????? I love candies and chocolates, so I'm not thin, too. I must start to do gym........ and by the way, If a girl transform fat to muscle, then, i think it will be to much of muscle which is not so beautiful for a girl.
^If a girl builds muscles, then it burns more fat, and keeps you slender. You may weigh more on the scale since muscles are heavier than fat, but your body is more toned and less inches. That's why it's always better to measure yourself instead of weighing.