If Jesus really died for our sins...

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by drsnoopy, May 21, 2007.

  1. .//affect-ionn

    .//affect-ionn Well-Known Member

    if jesus was born before the human race den dat means the bible won't be able to be written because there would be nobody to recount it therefore the bible wouldnt exist
  2. im sorry, i tend to assume everybody knows about this even though they are not christian. Jesus is God who came down into a human body. do a little resaerch of your own if u want.
    #362 master_g, Jun 4, 2007
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2007
  3. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    It's very simple. It means the bible couldn't be more than a collection of folklore, as none of the writers could have witnessed what actually happened if they weren't around when jesus was born into a human body or came down into a human body. (which is it btw?)
  4. i never say nobody was around when Jesus came down into a human body. i think there has been a misunderstanding, i was talking about Jesus' pre-existence before he came down.

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, And The Word Was God. John 1:1

    Jesus is the Word.
    #364 master_g, Jun 4, 2007
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2007
  5. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    So, how do we have to interpret the bit I've made it bold now? -huh

    You can quote whatever you want from that antique urban legends book but it still doesn't explain how people could have verified how jesus looked like in his pre-existence before he came fown.
  6. im not fully sure what this is about any more, seeing that my 'antique urban legends book' doesn't explain what your asking, i guess im unable to answer your question.

    imo i dont see any importance in how Jesus looked like in his pre-existence before he came down. i personally dont know anybody who is trying to verify what Jesus looked like in his pre-existence before he came. maybe another Christian can answer your question.
    #366 master_g, Jun 4, 2007
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2007
  7. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    So has anybody REALLY answered my pondering question?
  8. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member

    what was your question, drsnoopy?
  9. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    Read the VERY VERY first post on this thread.
  10. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    I don't know about whether my analogy is flawed. You can't keep going "us" when he died for those that were living in sin when he was around. Besides, sin, then was different than what we consider sin now. Well, for the most part.

    Again, really? You keep using words like 'us', 'we' and 'everyone'. Christ Jesus died for EVERYONE's sins.

    The sins that you have done and the sins you are doing now and the sins you are going to do. This was clearly an addition later on by the church to clearly keep worshipers coming to church, for fear of mortal sin.

    Everything that we do, everything that we build, is not man's construction, but part of God's plan. I think my car analogy works completely.

  11. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member

    Why did you bold this statement?

    (o_O) do you have proof?

    No, sin of the past isn't different from the sin now. there may be new form of sinning that has enter the world, however on a timeline, the world is declining moralistically and ethically. therefore showing that the sins of the past are still being committed. people still murder, people stll steal, people lie, people still commit adultery, people still covet... on and on and on. and even worse, in today's society some of the "old" sins are no longer consider sins anymore. that worries me. :(

    i agree on that. everything we do is part of God's soverign plan. but, i'm not going to comment more on that since it would probably bring up "predestination".
  12. hey drsnoopy, the bible says before the flood, sin was so bad that God had to wipe out almost everyone and everything. the bible says at the very end sin will be like it was in those days. the sins we do now aint as bad as they have been in the past but they will get worse and worse.
  13. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    LOL, it's all part of God's soverign plan yet Christians still strive to convert people... God would have KNOWN that there will be non-believers (who will end up in the hypothetical hell), and he apparently is okay with that.

    Don't sweat about not meeting your sales quota in converting people, Apollon. I don't think God really quite care for that. For those who believes, they will believe blindly, and the same can be said of the other group, not believing = not believing = not believing, so save your breath to actually make a difference.
  14. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member

    Ha. a common view on "predestination". however, it isn't view in that method. yes, in the end there will be obviously an amount of people that a believer and a group of people that non-believer. therefore, since God is omniscient, he would have already known who is going to being heaven or not. however, the thing is we do not. so, that does not justified the idea of "quitting and leaving it up to God." it is confusing theory, like the Trinity. so, my knowledge on that limited. sorry, hiake. i've tried my best. -lol

    however, like the theory of the Trinity. it doesn't effect the well-being and doctrines of being a Christian. so whether you believe in "predestination" or not ... that doesn't effect your relationship with Christ.
  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    No serious, I think it's a valid question to ask:

    Why bother converting people if believer will always end up believing and non-believers a waste of missionary time? Is it just a common passtime among Christians?

    Or on the contrary, did God KNEW those who do not believe him are non-believers thus not "communicating" or "connecting" with them?

    Did believers believe because the hypothetical God "connected" with them? Or did they believe that God will one day "connect" with them?

    So far, believers the ones I personally KNOW (can't say for ALL believers, but I can assure you my sample isn't tiny) all claims to have been converted not by words of the well-meaning Christians but by holy appartritions (aka connection or whatnot), then why bother wasting your breath in attempting something only God can do?
  16. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member

    very good point.

    that is why "predestination" is a confusing theory. however, in my view, i can preach and preach and teach and teach all i want about Christ and His love. However, without this "holy appartritions (aka connection or whatnot)" or God at work, a non-believer will never become a Christian. b/c if at first they are encourage by another Christian, however there will be times that only God can provide refuge and spiritually satification.

    so what is the point? well, it is b/c of the Holy Spirit in work inside of the Christians that are on missionary trips and local missionary events. God is motivating them to spread the good news. therefore, enabling more and more people to come to Christ. yes, there will some that doesn't believe and won't believe in Christianity till they die. however, it isn't for us to decide. we (as Christian) must try our best to show the non-believing world the salvation and love of God. and in doing so, God will be able to be at work and pull on the hearts of the non-believers.
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I don't quite follow your passage there...

    So you are saying missionary work is like pathing the road for God to reach those non-believers? I would have thought the hypothetical God can do better than that, being omnipotent and omnipresence and all...
  18. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member

    well, God can.

    but should we say that God must do that? no.

    if God wishes to reach the non-believers through us Christian, let that be. and if He wants to take it into His own hands, He can do that as well.

    It is up to God, not us.
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Well, so Christians are on mission JUST IN CASE God wanted them to do so? Since God obvious DO reach some believers "personally" (in his godly way or whatnot).

    So is it playing it safe?
  20. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member

    no no no, hiake.

    the great commission given by Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of most missionaries.
    The point of missionary is to spread God's word to every point of the world. So that eveyone is given the chance and choice to accept Jesus Christ. Acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior isn't simply just saying the words.

    when one believe, they are given the Holy Spirit and therefore an abridgement with God.

    i don't fully understand your question with "playing it safe"?