I heard TVB might pull this show off the air due to many HK complaints. They said this series is giving HK people a bad image. and many other concerning dispute between HK and China.
Anyone know the title of the song sang around 15:30min on episode 3, when Angela is having a haircut?
i agree ivana is ugly.. she looks like some kind of monkey with that haircut and those ears. the white girl .... annoying. does not know how to act. the whole show is SO mediocre. i thought TVB shaped up because of CTI, guess not.
Just saw episode 5. The younger woman who played Cho Lam's mother is so familiar.. She's terrific, who is she?
Read these old PA thread links: http://www.dramasian.com/forum/f52/milk-scandal-only-beginning-38830/ http://www.dramasian.com/forum/f52/chinese-made-products-using-milk-found-unsafe-37245/ http://www.dramasian.com/forum/f52/13-000-kids-affected-no-one-noticed-36970/ http://www.dramasian.com/forum/f52/...dogs-now-theyre-killing-chinese-babies-36811/ Mainland Chinese milk products have been repeatedly proven, even by the PRC government, to be unsafe as it is often spiked with Melamine (to falsely and artificially raise the protein count, allowing a bigger profit). Hence, as breast feeding isn't that popular in China, most parents of small children are tremendously dependent on infant formula milk, the most popular being dried powder (not the canned liquid). So like non smokers who buy duty free cigarettes to sell back home, anyone traveling into an area that has a legit and safe supply of baby milk powder, will buy as much as they can because they can sell it back home for a tremendous profit, or use it as a gift for loved ones. To make a long story short, Chinese milk had lowered nutritional value, more than 50 thousand babies were sickened, a quarter of them hospitalized, and several died. Several people who were found guilty of poisoning the milk supply were executed by the government. Hence, there is no consumer trust in Chinese milk. Oh, and BTW, all the Chinese food items which use milk (chocolates, cookies, drinks, et cetera) are all suspect; ie. any food item from China that lists 'milk' as an ingredient should be avoided.
Thanks for the links and the explanation! Now that's understandable and make sense as to why Mainland China citizens are upset about this drama lol
didn't even know my love, heurng heurng princess played. lolz. i remember their duo in the other movie. i guess they both look similar, w/ the big eys. is whitney hui a miss hk?
ivana has a really crisp voice though. if u listen, her dialogue is crisp. i know she's not attractive, but i like her. =)
CTI is supposed to be one of the new free HK channels to compete with ATV and mainly TVB's dominance. TVB lacks quality as of late, as we can all see, and that's one of the reasons (they say) is the reason CTI started. they already filmed stuff like documentaries and shows for 24h broadcast. SOMEHOW, it takes the government literally over a year (maybe more?) to give out the permission for this new channel. meanwhile, we saw TVB making a BIT better shows, but now we're seeing two time fillers again. Also, signs of ATV and TVB "working together" is also seen, perhaps to combine their strengths against the new channel(s).