Internet Love

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Praxis, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. DanK

    DanK Well-Known Member

    i meant cybering
  2. Scolls

    Scolls Guest

    Might even be better - purely from the viewpoint that you're getting to know each other & getting interested in the person, rather than the looks!

    Unless of course there's an exchange of photos, but then again, who knows for sure you'd be getting a real photo and not one of somebody else?

    But yeah, physical attraction is certainly not the thing to base any relationship on... it's got to be deeper than that for it to be meaningful & long-lasting!
  3. mr1nice1guy

    mr1nice1guy Member

    It is but it is very hard to maintain a relationship online especially if it is a long distance one. This is a disadvantage of online relationship, you miss out on seeing them, touching them and smelling them. Therefore you are missing out on the real thing.

    This is why it's better to have a real relationship then an online one.

    Even if you chat with the person on the webcam you are still missing out the ability to touch and smell the person. We do rely on all our five senses to enhance our experience.

    An online relationship make somethings about a person a mystery. So if you see their picture and then you see them in person, most of the time they won't look like that in real life especially from the picture. This suprise most people when they meet first time. Therefore you can be disappointed or not disappointed.

    So if you are meeting a person for the first time from this online relationship just be ready for the disappointment so that you won't feel upset afterwards.
  4. Maoki

    Maoki Guest

    Through personal experience I've found that online dating doesn't work out because one or both of the people are usually deceptive and not very truthful with the other person. Distance also plays a major part in relationships, as well as communication and the ability to spend time with one another. Online dating is reminicent of long-distance relationships, which also usually don't work out. People can't hold back their urges and usually end up cheating or just call it quits because they have grown too far apart. Stereotypes also surround the online community calling them freaks and desperate, which can hurt the image of an individual trying to find someone online. It's sad to say, but there are a lot of weirdos out there who are seeking things other than relationships.
    On a more positive note, I have a few friends who met people online and actually got married a few months later. I really think it has to do with the individual and taking a chance, but don't let your guard down. Be prepared for anything when meeting someone you've never met before and always stay true to yourself. Someone who really wants a relationship will be sincere and willing to make the relationship real. There are other things, but i've typed too much as it
  5. emakaroni1

    emakaroni1 Member

    Heh, I met my bf online thru chat rooms on IRC.. never thought I would fall in love with someone like that. Then, its one of those u really get to know them before meeting them.. all you do is talk.. so within a short period of time you really get to know them.. sux that its long distance, but when we first met it we were so comfortable with one another cuz we really got to know each other first. We had a one yr long distant relationship.. then he moved closer to me for about a yr and a half.. now its long distance again :( But with cell phones.. u can call long distance nonstop.. IMs able to chat whenever.. and webcam so u can share things tat u buy, or meals tat u cook..

    I think its more and more common to have internet relationship with all those sites like and eharmony.. had coworker tat met thru one of those and got married.. and i have a friend who met her bf from

    Oh, I jus came across this....its kinda funny..fits "internet Love" topic :rofl:
    #45 emakaroni1, Dec 16, 2005
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2005
  6. pisha

    pisha Well-Known Member

    long-d is definitely very hard... didn't work for me but I guess I didn't really give it my all.. and even though it's kinda shallow, physical attraction is usually what brings two people together in the first place so it's pretty important. the whole online dating thing is a little bizarre to me but whatever floats your boat!
  7. krazyaznboi

    krazyaznboi Well-Known Member

    dont know...mind as will try...hey u wanna be my gf...jk jk jk jk jk jk jk
  8. Cathy_Wong

    Cathy_Wong Guest

    internet love fails after the first meeting 80% of the time a recent report i read online.
  9. jkayu

    jkayu Member

    its possible. why not? thats if you know who you are actually talking to. the thing about online love is it might not turn out to be what you think or expect and its kind of dangerous to. i mean like on the media you hear all these kinds of kinapping stories and online predators hunting for an innocent ppl that get raped. you just never know,so its not the best way to find love.
  10. ipepsi

    ipepsi Well-Known Member

  11. Fai

    Fai Well-Known Member

    I met a girl online and i'm still chatting with her.. its been 3 yrs.. at times i can feel love..
  12. midnightsky

    midnightsky Member

    stricktly online could only go so far..
  13. k1ley4evr

    k1ley4evr Member

    i would like to say its possible. My current gf I met is from online, and we have been going out for over 3 years already, itll be 4 years in april -clapclap
  14. crashz

    crashz Member

    I have few friends meet their partner online even get married...
  15. hk_girl

    hk_girl Member

    i think online u can get to noe sumone but not fall in luv ud hav to meet them in reality..
  16. misstical

    misstical Member

    i think its possible to fall in love with someone you meet online because who can truly define what "love" is? if that person feels a strong attachment or some sort of affection towards the other, that to them may already be considered "love" ...personally though, its one thing to fall for someone online...SUSTAINING that relationship and MOVING it to the next level is where the problem lies...and besides, it really does depend on the situation..some people meet each other online through friends...& that would increase the chances of falling because theres a sense of security? trust? whereas, random chatrooms or what not is another story...
  17. aznwolvie

    aznwolvie Member

    i remember reading an article on yahoo that some guy who fell in love with a women online thru chat rooms or something like that and when they arranged for a date, it turned out to be the guy's mom.... -what? .....and no i'm not talking about the urban myth but this really happened.....i'm trying to find the article that i read it in but i can't find it anymore....anyone else seen that article?
  18. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    possible happen becuase they share common interest and when they meet each other they can like each liek
    kinda like people write to each other (old day)
    i dont know any case but it is possible
  19. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    initernet love?!?! wat the heck!!! How can you??? i mean meet friends yeh.. but internet love?!?! no..
  20. lionheart

    lionheart Well-Known Member

    internet love..hmmm
    it can be and it maybe cant, it depends on the person
    first online, then meet them in real life, then that will work