Into The Badlands

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by ralphrepo, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    For a minute I thought he was dead, I was like oh goody :p haha...would be cool at the end Sunny ends up being the Baron for the clipper's.
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    He's certainly being set up as the Ne'er Do Well son. But it looks like he also has a lot of ambition for power too. I'm sure his mother is going to help him.
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Into the Badlands continues to be intriguing. absolute ruler that won't tolerate any insult upon his realm. After the Widow nearly killed his son, Ryder in last week's episode, he personally leads a clipper force, invading the Widow's house and slaughters just about everyone within. This begs the question that, as the Widow should have anticipated retribution, why wasn't her compound better prepared for an assault? The widow escapes with a remaining meager few of her elite short skirt guards. The prostitute who she had used to set the trap for Ryder commits suicide to prevent capture when cornered by Sonny. MK finds out that Sonny and the Cog Doctor are an item. During the invasion, he also stole the secret book from the Widow's desk, and brings it to the Cog Doctor for her to decipher. The Baron walks in on them, but didn't realize MK was there as he was hidden from view. The Baron asks that the Cog Doctor cure him of his brain cancer. Meanwhile, Sonny negotiates with a Regent, who is a former lover, from another Baron. She tells him that the other Barons want him to clip his own Baron and they would reward him. Sonny instead, follows his Baron's orders and tells her that Quinn is willing to split the Widow's captured oil fields with her Baron if he would ally with him. The femme fatale regent, tells Sonny that she would be more insistent with his plans if he would only rekindle their romance. Sonny balks. The Baron's second wife is also walking a fine line of betrayal, in one scene openly f*cking the Baron while in another holding the hand of an unconscious Ryder, her secret lover. Ryder's mother tells Ryder that the Baron was right; that he would never be strong enough to be a Baron himself and that she would stop covering for him.
    #23 ralphrepo, Nov 30, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  4. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Wow looking forward to watching it...hopefully I can finish it tonight. Yeah there seems to be some holes in the story when it comes to certain things, but it seems like a lot of these new dramas have them. I just watch it for entertainment value as I have to remind myself.
  5. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    i also didnt think this was THAT good. It's meh. Watching it just for daniel and for the fact that i'm bored. Just cant wait for GoT.
  6. Pretty Kitty

    Pretty Kitty Well-Known Member

    Daniel wu is so sexy!
  7. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Finished it last night, it's def getting good, although the fighting scenes I think is what makes this series worth watching.
  8. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    The plot is developing nicely and the fighting choreography is more HK style than American which is good.
  9. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

  10. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    I wonder if Quinn is truly dead...I'm guessing he may not be and survives the stab. Although I hope they don't deter too much with Sunny seemingly leaving the Badlands, MK joining his people? And the rest of Baron's doing who knows what. Cause it seems like the story is getting way too complicated if that's the case. Hopefully the rest of the season all the loose ends up tie together. The martial arts is definitely awesome though, seems like each episode is better and better.