that's honestly just marketing... there's a "build quality" test on youtube where they drop an s3 and 4s from the same height(multiple times) onto concrete... s3 was still in useable shape, 4s, nope haha... so if the 5 can survive the same test as well as an s3, cool... oh and actually apple indeed is a software company... what sells their products is the software, they don't develop hardware, they just design its form factor... all the parts are from various companies such as foxconn, samsung, intel, etc... almost nothing is in house aside from the accessories... if apple were to run windows instead of mac os, they wouldn't sell many products as there are better/cheaper alternatives to a mac based on hardware specs... *eh i'll give u the arm processor, though it's more of a tweak than a fresh design...
dropping a phone from any distance is probably not a good example of build quality but durability. I don't know if I would consider Apple a software company. A majority of their revenue is generated from their idevices running iOS. Yeah...I know...whatever dude?!
yes, revenue is generated through hardware sales, fact... but the main driver was never the hardware, it was the software... to get the best out of ur apple products, u had to buy other apple products running software that would translate/be compatible with it... unfortunately for the user, that would mean buying other apple products... sure u could buy an ipad or iphone and get it to work with ur Windows easily enough, but if u wanted to sync ur iCalendar, contacts, iCloud, run keynote, etc... u need to buy other mac products... so if ur office ran mac, u'd be pretty dumb to run W7... I will be one of the first to stand up and say if you bought an apple product for mainly it's hardware specs... ur a proper idiot... the s3 is clearly the better piece of hardware... the asus transformer tabs were clearly better than the ipad2/3 based on specs... as far as build quality, if durability is not under build quality, then China makes 99% similar iPhone5s already... they just die out in 3-6months and they cost 1/3 of the price of a real one... so if it's not about the software, and durability is not part of build quality, y would anyone buy a real iPhone?
Apple sure sold a lot of iPhones.. once again.. always beating last year's number
Not quite... iSheeps upgrade almost every year, using different lines.... iPhone 4 sold roughly 600,000, iPhone 4S was around 1,000,000... iPhone 5 ~2,000,000. Those are pre-order numbers..
eh, those numbers are too exact, sounds to me like just a supply thing... if apple had 2million to sell for 4s, it'd probably be 2million...
lol i honestly do think wp8 is a good os and the Lumia is a beast of a phone... if there were more apps, I'd jump onboard right now...
What colour do you guys prefer Black or White and why that colour can we have genral talk about colour.
LOL... ... there's nothing to discuss about... it's a colour, and two boring colours to be frank... besides, most ppl are gonna buy a case for it anyways...
Durability is an aspect of quality. It also depends upon the materials being used, how it is assemble and how well the product is used/treated. Yes; hardware useless without software and vice versa. I agree hardware is a one time cost and software (apps) is reoccurring. At this point I'm not concern with whether they are branded a hardware company or software. As long as their stock price rises, I will be happy.
For the design wise, I like the Iphone5. Next month my cell phone contract will be up and I have to decide S3 or i5 myself. I will probably decide based on which one requires less monthly fees.
I went to see this phone in the Apple branch today, it feels lighter (maybe because it's longer/taller so the weight kind of got distributed on my hand?), it looks okay (White/silver). Didn't get to see the black one though. PS: I was shopping, and happen to walk pass an Apple store so why not pop in.
Apple iPhone 5 aluminum shell plagued by chipping issues
i just had a look at the iphone 5 and it looks and feels like the 4 except for being lighter and bigger screen. imo it's exactly like the 4
I'm not sure if its just me, but I'm all for thinner phones but the being lighter doesn't really appeal to me. It feels like I'm holding a fisher-price phone now. What happened to having a little weight in your hand.
^ exactly the first thing that came to my mind was is this a fisher price toy? it's probably a good thing that its lighter though.