IQ question

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by lionheart, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. lionheart

    lionheart Well-Known Member

    question: what can you spent but can not buy?
    question: a deaf man on the shore saw a shark that was approaching to the nearby swimmer, how would the man communicate to that swimmer?
    #21 lionheart, Feb 6, 2006
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2006
  2. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    either once or infinate
    deaf man tell the a swimmer
    the deaf man doesnt need to listen becuase he is not the swimmer
    so all he need is to shout out or say something
    that half
    or you can say that half of the have the x chromsome from the mother so half of them are girls
    #22 naruto1314, Feb 6, 2006
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2006
  3. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    Let me give u an easier IQ question

    you have open a business and you have profit $17 in gold coin
    you need to pay up 3 shareholder
    Shareholder A get 1/2 of share
    Shareholder B get 1/3 of share
    Shareholder C get 1/9 of share

    all the coin must be given to the shareholders
    gold coin cant change into dollar
    gold coin cant break in half
    Finally here come the question, how many coin each person get? -unsure

    Question 2:
    If you use a wooden rod or a metal rod to hit a head,
    does the wooden rod or metal rod hurt more and why? -bash

    Note:force and size of the rod is the same

    Question 3:
    why is white chicken better than black chicken? -rolleyes

    Question 4:
    There is a 20 cowboy excorting sheep. The First night,a wolf will eat one cowboy and one sheep. The second night,a wolf will eat one cowboy and one sheep. The thrid night,a wolf will eat one cowboy and one sheep. How many sheep left and how many cowboy left on the 6th day? -imwithstu

    Question 5
    (Please dont look this up by any search engine or book, just answer with your knowledge, else you would spoil it) -devil

    I)where was pilgrims first landed in Massachusetts?
    A)Province,B)Plymouth,C)cape cod,D)Boston

    II)In 1776, what day did the American declare American Independence Day?
    July A)1,B)2,C)3,D)4

    III)What was the agreed-upon signal that paul revere was to be givien from church tower if the british are coming?
    A)one by land and 2 by sea
    B) the brithish are coming
    C)the red coat are coming
    #23 naruto1314, Feb 6, 2006
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2006
  4. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    Arghhhhh!!! my head hurts........ -confused
  5. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    1. Money can be spent but not brought

    2. Yell SHARK COMING!!!!! in a microphone with a loudspeaker, the man is deaf but not mute right and the swimmer is not deaf

    this is probably wrong but im jus stating the obvious...... :p
  6. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    money can be brought, ppl ebay coin and rare bill all the time
  7. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    we hve sum sad ppl in this world -lol

    we would buy rare money and save it for 2 b covered in dust

    while it can be spent
  8. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    try solving my questions=p
  9. imisu

    imisu Well-Known Member

    you can sort of buy time...
  10. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    whoa, thats a gd 1

    but do u mean spending time and not been able to buy time?
  11. dayofnight

    dayofnight Active Member


    for ur question 2
    both of the hammer doenst hurt ..... ur head hurt.... :D :D i saw dis in a tvb's series (women on the run) lol
  12. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

  13. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    but I didnt get it from Women on the run.
    i got the idea from somewhere else
  14. lionheart

    lionheart Well-Known Member

    yup, all but the last answer are correct.
    the answer to the 13 children: half of the children are girls, and so were the other half.
  15. lionheart

    lionheart Well-Known Member

    leonardo da vinci carried out the following experiment, he held a sphere of very fragile glass above a floor of solid stone. when he dropped it, the sphere fell 2 metres(6ft, 6in) without breaking. how?
  16. mega_o_mega

    mega_o_mega Well-Known Member

    is this the same thing like in the episode of Eternal Happiness?
    $17 + 1 = $18
    18/2 = $9: for shareholder A
    18/3 = $6: for shareholder B
    18/9 = $2: for shareholder C
    the $1........ either you keep it or..... (i don't know)

    this one i'm confused....... so there are 20 cowboys, are a 20 year old cowboy?....... and how many sheep are there?

    1) B
    2) D
    3) A
  17. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    #1 correct, u cna use LCD to find the answer , it is basic algebra
    #20 cowboys and 20 sheeps
    #3 A,B,D
    for #3 u got it all wrong because u have hear rumor and be decieve that those facts are true. U though of plymouth because of plymouth rock(a place where today people acted as the 1700 when they first landed in MA). Why july 4 cuz u celebrate the hoilday. It was july 2 cuz there a delay to spread the news.U though the 1 by sea and 2 by land cuz of it was a famous qoute. There no real wayto find out what did he said. Nice Try=D
  18. lionheart

    lionheart Well-Known Member

    it takes 5 mins to cook an egg, how long will it takes to cook 5 eggs?
  19. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    still 5min
  20. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    ur question are soemthing very vague, but ill give it a try> what is "it"? is it the glass? is it just glass and nothing on it?

    it either he drop somehting else (not glasses) so it didnt break.
    He could drop it and catch it b4 dropping on the ground
    assuming that the glass have protection( rubber, plastic covering, waht ever), so he dropped, it would break cuz the protection,