Since I had only one asian boss before i can't say they are all cheap but i guess it's safe to say that they mostly are. Currently, i have a jewish boss and he's not that cheap but he aint that generous either so generally i would all BOSS' are cheap or they wouldn't be a boss.
Usually r if they'r especially if they are chinese or viet. Im not hating here, but korean bosses tend to start around the same wage, usually higher, but give raises almost like candy. At least for me........
they are all cheap since asian bosses 99% of the time is paying u in cash so they dont even have to follow the minimum wage around.. also they don't care what kind of education you have..since for college students you suppose to be getting jobs that $10+ but working for an asian can be a college student..n you're still gonna get like $5-7 an hr
u can report to the government and sued them. it's illegal, they have to report the income to pay tax!
My current boss is from Vietnam and holy s**t does he ever pinch pennies man. He'll try and screw us over with the schedule by over booking us when he knows we don't get paid overtime. There's a plethora of examples as to why he's cheap, I just can't think of any at the moment. Point is, I agree.
Well, everywhere that i worked, they were all cheap, always getting advantage cuz i was still a teenager.
I guess i'm one of the lucky ones. My boss gave me a 50$ gift card for christmas and she gives me 50$ for my birthday and she makes me lunch sometimes. : ) and no we aren't related.
sounds like someones hitting on you lol. Unless its a very small business, those things dont happen often ^^".
You can say asian boss are cheap......but not......depends how you view it: There was one asian boss I worked for and the company pays for lunch everyday. YES, you heard right......the company pays for lunch everyday for employees. Well then one day we ordered pizza. Delivery guy came and I pay the guy and gave him $2 tips. On the receipt, I wrote "gave $2 for tips"..... Next day, the asian boss gave me a cow for giving tips for the delivery. Saying delivery price already includes tips b/c they charge a bit more for delivery. Oh well......well he's cheap for not tipping but not cheap for providing us lunch. Your call. -innocent2