of course there are still bombs...mostly land mines though...and every so often, a kid playing out in the fields accidentally steps on one, and is either seriously injured or killed...
oki i went to VN like 2 years ago my frend and cousin is in VN now tehyreenjoyin holiday apart frm the gurlie cause she thinks the guys in VN r kinda iffy haha but other than that, shev is prolly right
i reckon there is bombs in Vietnam, like in the forest near the north and south boarders. The land mine was too kill as people as possible when the opposition charge at each other.
VietNam? Heck, they're still finding bombs and unexploded ordinance in Europe from World War One. So YES, there are still tons (you didn't read wrong; tons) of unexploded and active (live) munitions suspected to be in VietNam. The Viet government has been working with the US for data on bombing missions both to locate US MIA remains and unexploded munitions. There are also tons of UXO (unexploded ordinance) in Laos and Cambodia Though VietNam is a tropical locale, and is very very wet, one would imagine that bombs would be so rusted that it would not matter. However, munitions that are partially degraded CAN still explode if disturbed. In the large cities or along major roads, there shouldn't be any problems. But if you're out in the boonies and go to areas where people seldom visit, there is a very real possibility that you encounter something. If you do, do NOT attempt to touch, disturb, examine, or pick up anything; turn around and leave the same way that you came, and once you're out of the area, report your findings to the local authorities. For those that have an interest in the unexploded ordinance still being found in VN: Article written in 1999: http://maic.jmu.edu/Journal/3.2/features/chadwick/reclaim.htm Article written c2005: http://www.cpi.org/regions/vietnam.php Article written in 2004: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/01/0107_040107_tvbombdigger.html Article written in 2003: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2003/17495.htm VERSUS No Offense, but sadly, there is still plenty that needs to be done; both in ordinance disposal, as well as education... Ralph
whenever there is a war, there will always be bombs left over after which have not exploded, however there usually more in areas such as vietnam where there are a lot of forest, making it difficult to locate and find.
The thing that galls me, is the US government spend millions a day dropping those bombs onto Vietnam, and now that the war is long over, gives VN a few million and considers that enough help. Thousands of Vietnamese, who had nothing to do with the conflict have been killed or maimed AFTER the war supposedly ended. Surprisingly, there has been a lot of former US military Vietnam Vets who have stepped forward to organize assistance for people who were their former enemies. Further, the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have literally coated the surface of those countries with dangerous unexploded munitions. I'm not hopeful that the US Gov will behave any better in those places post conflict. And in the meanwhile people who have little to begin with, have even that taken away. All our flag waving dogs of war should remember this for their next war. Ralph
lol. no bombs whatsoever. At least not in major cities so i would not say bomb is a thread, pollution and motorcycles are !
Vietnam is starting to become a tourist country, i think there are still landmines there but is centred around fields and countryside. The major cities are fine, and lots of pple go there 4 holiday nw, so if u wana visit, it shd be ok, though like the above post said, pollution is a big problem in the major cities, and u gota love the heat otherwise u'll be indoors most of the time take cold showers!
They just defused a 2200 pound bomb, in LONDON (!) of all places. Since the Vietnam war was a lot more recent, I don't know how anyone can say with certainty that there are "...no bombs whatsoever" I suspect that most are just going on supposition that the stuff must be all gone by now. But, if one only took the time to research the question you'll find that such a view, though prevalent, is not only inaccurate; its dangerous. There is a tremendous amount of unexploded ordinance still in Viet Nam, and it routinely kills or seriously injures people. In the years since the end of the war, 38,000 people have been killed, and 64,000 have been injured, blinded, or maimed. These were statistics from 2003. Further, the threat of UXB's littered in the fields have prevented local development of farmland and wooded properties there, compounding already grinding poverty. I mean you no disrespect when I say this, but perhaps it may be worthwhile to consider that idle assumptions, though innocent, nonetheless creates and fosters an atmosphere of ignorance and apathy that ultimately hurts those Vietnamese who have suffered the most, and remain the most vulnerable. Ralph
lol that is somehow some really naive kind of view,... to make it clear during the wars in VN the warring parties, especially the US troops dropped more mines and bombs compared to ww2 and if u ever seen the total bombings of the german cities or british ones, it should tell u enough,... u can say after the DMZ on the Korean penninsula vn is the country with the most amount of undiscovered dud bombs and mines,... and it´s also an absolute joke that these bombs are harmless at all... and will rot away by the humid weather and raind,... did u ever think of what kind of materials bombs are made? if they rot away all the toxics will enter the environment and poison it for decades, and therefore the humans who are farming on this land.... why do u think it needed US veterans to take initiative to help the Vn government to get rid of those destructive weapons and why didn´t the US government send some active aid in the first place? it´s quite easy to understand, it´s all about money,... the production cost of a mine is $1, but to depose of 1 mine u´ll have to spend $100, and do u think the VN government would have enough dosh to get rid of the millions of dud bombs and mines? so thas why they have to depend on the voluntarily help,... i´m also a little speechless about so much ignorance of some members around here,... did u never see the crippled people in VN? do u think they only were victims of accidents? or were u just staying in the highclass places? must have been the 2nd one,.... because most of the victims of dud bombs and mines are closed aways from society or staying in recovery institutions,... i think it should tell u enough, when i say that there are not enough prosthesis for all the people who were crippled by mines and bombs from the leftovers of the wars, and i´m not talking about veterans, but about teenagers and kids... so before u just post such naive phrases like there are no bombs, make sure to get some backgroung information first if u don´t have a single clue about what u´re talking about...
From this web site, on Vietnam travel tips & Advice: http://www.vietnamtiptravel.com/ And on another continuing sad note, just last week: http://www.dawn.com/2008/07/11/rss.htm#27 Its not very hard to find explosives in VN. Even if you don't look very hard. By claiming that there isn't any problem, the unknowing actually prevents more from being done to pressure the US government to do more towards alleviating a danger that they were wholly responsible for. So please, do all you can to help by educating others to this tragic remnant of the war. Ralph
I don't find this shocking at all. Even in the US, people find stuffs from the Civil War. Where ever war/s took place, it's has the potential of undetonated bombs buried somewhere. My concern is that a lot of Vietnamese people have no knowledge of what is or isn't a bomb without touching it and that may set it off. Vietnamese had suffered so much during the Vietnam War and I think the US should step up to help out these people for the atrocities that the have committed. Even today, US Vietnam veterans are not being recognized by citizens as a result of those devastation; not to mention the only war that US has truly lost in history.
There are no more bomb in town area already. there are good tourism ,many tourist go there, include me, went a few time already, mainly northen area. good sight ang worth to buy and eat,specialy road side food.