Is Intel better than AMD?

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by G_STAR, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Paperboy

    Paperboy Member

    I personally prefer Intel because of the overall good performance versus price.
  2. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    Both the same if your not planning to overclock,benchmark testing or playing high spec games

    I had a dual amd and intel cant tell the different in terms of performance
  3. For many Intel has been whooping AMD. However, recently AMD has catched to Intel. In desktop:AMD came out with Phenom II CPU. This cpu is really cheap, stable, fast, and overclockable. In laptop - AMD came out with APU. APU is a powerful cpu w/built graphic, fast, stable, energy saving, and cheap.

    Personally, I think Intel is too expensive and not worth the money. Put it this way: Intel is selling their Duo Core Cpu for $150 but with $150 you could get a Quad Core with AMD.