is it about you or is it about them?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by smallrinilady, Nov 14, 2007.


who do you think about first

  1. myself

    2 vote(s)
  2. my partner

    10 vote(s)
  3. try to focus on my partner, but admit ME comes to mind first

    8 vote(s)
  1. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    there's always a time to be selfish. my husband constantly considers my feelings and what i want to do no matter what so sometimes i want him to think of himself. i do! let's be realistic, i'm not a selfish person but if i'm cooking dinner and he doesnt tell me what he wants to eat then we eat what i feel like eating!!!!!! if we go out and he has absolutley no input on what to do or where to go then we do what i want to do! consideration always goes both ways in any relationship in order for it to succeed. it's the little things that you do for your significant other that matters most!