what about turning it off n on - does that hurt the computer? or i should ask it is better to just leave the comp on instead of turning it off n on.
well if u're gonna b away from comp for hrs then u shoudl turn it off..if like 30min then just leave it on
hmn.... but wouldn't u need to reset your computer after a period due to some memory problem? not sure.. just remember hearing soemthign about that.. could be wrong.
when a system is turned on....there is a shock to the system...as it has to wake up instantly...this goes either way..as this can be bad for the system..
But it's just a computer!! Not an entire house! I also leave my TV on and my room lights on, even when I sleep - so basically everything is on ....
Don't go telling people that... that only happens if you unplug the computer or flip the switch on the power supply. Also depends how u turn off your computer, there is the soft off and hard off... soft when the computer turns itself off, and hard is when u hold the on/off button down for more than 5secs or filp the switch on the psu... and the reason why it isnt a sudden shock to the systemis because there is a constant current running thru the sytem even when its off... yes the computer is still using up power that goes the same with almost all electronics...
Wow in a lifetime you are wasting so much energy. A typical low end comp has I think at least a 300 watt supply (although your not using all of the 300W) but still 100-200W 24/7 is still a lot of wated energy source BBC news
yup..u got me..i have no idea what i'm talking about....dang...all those years of training wasted...when the system is off..either soft or hard..it uses minimal power...when booting up..there is an increase in power.. powering on a computer causes changes in temperature as well as voltage spikes, both of which can potentially hurt the circuitry. Although thermal expansions and voltage spikes are designed for and expected, they do cause physical wear. Leaving a computer on reduces such wear caused by repeated on/off cycles..
Oh, I never knew.... I just remember once in Gr.9 science class, we calculated electiricty, volts, and all that crap, and the costs per year, and it didn't turn out to be much ...... unless of course we were using 'imaginary/pretend' numbers in Gr.9!!! -sweat
lol you prob just measured only little amounts, plus with oil prices and depleating fossil fuels, electricity prices prob gonna increase
if you got a good cooling system, high quality (durable) hardware and afford to pay electricity bill, then it's cool to leave it 24/7, your stuff will get out of date anyway, so why not optimize the usage?