i hope no one in here takes any offense to my comment, but yes i do think it's racist. just a mild case of it though, it's not like we're going to kill people because of their race. but we can't help it. i think it's how we have all been raised. i'm taiwanese so my parents are always telling me, if you get married to a black, white, or mexican person, you're going to be cut off from the family line. that's racism right there. and ever since i was a child it was beat into my head that asians are the only options. i realize that everytime i glance around, i'm always subconsciously picking the asian guys over the others. i just can't help it. i think other races can be extremely good looking, but that's it. physical attraction like you said. we're all a little racist. that's what i think...
i dunno, but its weird cuz i perfer white guys before i ever look at the chinese/viet guys, maybe cuz all the asian guys i kno are either really nerdy/geeky or jerks so i guess i'm racist towrds my own race? lol i dunno, but yea i think its more of a preference
Frankly speaking,im racist.No offense though.Btw,i cant be sure will i date a hot chick of other race.
hmmm...racist towards my own race? or racist because i prefer my own race? well, perhaps its upbringing, I THINK my mother will faint, if i bring a different race back. not tryin to offend anybody here.