KT your mom knows you've been sleeping around and hopes that you get a boyfriend so you wouldn't bang every other guy in college.
maybe your parents think ur lesbian lol but its crazy they doing this at 19 they will bring you back to china to get you a mainland husband next -lol and bring some guy friends around the house so she knows you are at least interested in them ..keeps them from talking
^ you really think so?? it's good and fine now, but what about when she turns 30.. 40... 50...? then she'd just be a creepy cat lady.
congrats! you are NOT welcomed in the cat ladies club:rolleyes2: missing the once in a lifetime experience in cat lady paradise! Hope it was worth it, a once in a lifetime experience for 10 seconds of...denying your membership.
oh so someone had a lil bit of endurance eh... woah woah woah i have the endurance of a friggin world class marathon runner don't think otherwise!
LOL. i guess if i were this guy i would go back. hahhahahaaha. sadly, this has happened to some of my guy friends. fail.