Mentally? Are you implying that it's not physically gross? In fact, I don't think gross is an adjective applicable to mentality... /rant
i think it's a fuckin' lie...anyway everyone who isn't completly normal and some seriuosu mental illness can eat it's not a prerogative of asian people... -.-
...i doubt chinese or japs or anyone in general would eat babies...its morally wrong!! and why does everything thats not right get dumped on the Chinese?? BUT ther was a time wher a murderer who made "human pork buns" in Macau in order to get rid of the evidence... but he was caught cause a customer bit into a finger nail XD, <<REALLY HAPPENED and it was turned into a movie called "Baat sin faan dim ji yan yuk cha siu baau"
^ LOL... or so does the average person...... but yeah i'm sure baby eating is a whole underground society, just like trafficking women...
maybe they do, maybe they dont....who knows? but reminds me of a horror film with miriam yeung in it an she ate babies.....well fetuses in order to retain her youthful looks...
bottom line YES there are people who eat babies but they are not necessarily Japanese, YES im 100% sure you got people there who eat babies but they are all over the world too...!!!>..!!!...!!
I don't think its actually babies they eat, if its true but unsuccessful fetuses like how phoenixgirl describe above from a movie she mention
seeing that it is in the fish section i can only assume it is a translation error and in fact a....... fish.....