^ Hell yeah! Sex is important... its part of relationship... You can't deny it... I don't think there are many people who'll wait until they get marry to pop they cherry! Plus its good for health
Keep to your beliefs and dont rush into sex ^_^ Never force yourself to have sex with a guy if your not ready, even if you do really like him.
I'm a guy. I'm a Virgin. I'm 17. Never dated. I know, I lead a sad life (Ha!). For me I prefer a virgin. Why? Because I also have no sexual experience. If the girls is really good, and i suck, then would the girl hate me for it. I mean ejaculation for a guy feels so good. So why wouldn't an orgasam feel good for a girl? w/e i don't even know what I'm saying anymore.
don't lose faith in yourself! i'm a guy and i actually believe in not having pre-marital sex either.. and i actually prefer a girl who believes in the same. so don't worry about those guys who just want you for your body. you'll find that right person who'll make your world turn upside down
I think a relationship without sex is certainly not healthy? Couple who are together without foreplay is a recipe for adultry or something worst. It is possible their partner is not able... -censored
being a virgin is good and if you strongly believe in no sex before marriage then good for you. But lets be realistic here, we are in the year 2007 now, sex is now part and parcel of a relationship and without being mean who's to say you are going to get married? These days not many people get married and this means you could die a virgin!! (I know I am being dramatic here but I am sure most human beings would not want to die as a virgin!!). I am sure every human being gets horny sometimes and as long as you are ready for sex and not pressured into it, then go for it! Sex is important in a relationship, people who say otherwise are just kidding themselves! Statistically speaking, the 1st time is usually the crappiest and the longer you wait the more disaapointed you will get...
it wouldn't bother me much...cause if she's the perfect girl then I can wait until after marriage to have sex. The problem with premarital sex though is that if you don't do it before you get married, your honeymoon is gonna really suck lol
1. If that guy have had sex before it'll be too much for him to handle 2. Its a turn-off because every straight male wants sex 3. Some guys do have the same mentality as you just keep looking (but that doesn't mean he doesn't want it). 4. What do u mean by virgins being hypocrites?
believe in abstinence... no to pre-marital sex basically... its like... your virginity is the ultimate gift from you to your husband/wife ... why waste it on some loser you're not planning to marry? To be safe.. just say no to pre-marital sex..
Sorry I have to speak up about the stats about marriages. See stats can be read whatever way you like. when people see 50% marriages fail it does not mean that marriage is bad... Stats just show how many people suck at marriages NOT marriages failing people. Everyone don't give up marriages, most of the time marriages fail because people lack commitment and dedication or they marriage for the wrong reasons. However sometimes it can justified under extreme situations that are unavoidable. I'm sure in most cases people just don't try hard enough, anyone can sign on a dotted line and look for the quick exit when things don't go well. Sad statistic! Another thing that some people use Marriage as business transactions, that might add to it. oh and lastly there's nothing wrong with sex after marriage, Sex is important but just think of it this way.. (if its marriage you want) those who don't respect you for that decision aren't around for the long haul andprobably looking for some quick ones. I personally don't mind waiting If I love the girl because I'd get plenty after marriage as a baby making machine.. Its a good way to filter out the types people don't want.
To be honest, I think that sex is perhaps the LEAST important part of a relationship. I, myself havnt really had a proper relationship (as of yet) but I feel that the love and happiness shared between two people is the thing to consider the most in a relationship. If guys are so uptight about whether they're with a virgin they need to get a reality check. Id much rather go out with someone who was a virgin as opposed to some girl who likes to have sex all the time....I'll stop rambling now, but its just what I feel on the topic ^_^
well sex can be viewed in various way.. One said, sex is the symbol of trust in the relationships.. and the other said, sex is human needs .. it`s physical yet emotional .. It just depends on how deep and mutual the relationship is really .. some of em just wanna have fun.. and some of em meant commitment & serious relationship.. It`s jst the matter viewing where u stand.. and whether u`re ready.. Don`t rush sex.. coz there maybe a chance that u`ll regret giving it away for somebody who doesn`t worth it .. .. make sure u won`t though.. coz giving away your virginity is worth waiting if u gave it to someone who`ll appreciate it .. And when a guy ask u to have sex with him otherwise he`ll leave u .. tell him to take a hike..