well... personally... i really don't like smoker. if my bf smoke i think i will whack him lol but thanks god that my dad stop the habit of smoking, and all my friend that used to smoke never smoke in front of me and some of them quit it! XD
smokings not bad, juss unhealthy lol, it won't kill u, u gunna die eventually, cancer comes either way, whether if u smoke or not. my grandma died from cancer, not from smoking, daz y i dun believe dat shit
If you think second hand smoke is bad then why not try first hand ^ ^ I'm just joking ^O^ but seriously yes I think that smoking is bad but everyone smokes cigarettes now a days so I guess it's really up to them--- they know that they are smoking poison and yet they still do it we all have the very luxury of free will (I smoke cigarettes to myself knowing full well that it's bad O_O)
In class heaps of koreans from overseas had smokos between classes.people here are smoking less now generally than other countries.
Smoking Health effects: direct cause of lung cancer; significantly increases risk of heart attack, stroke, and all types of cancer; peripheral vascular disease, increased risk of aortic aneurysm / dissection; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; worsening congestive heart failure. Social/personal effects: yellow teeth, bad breath, irritates other people in restaurants & bars, smells bad, sticks to your clothese, exposes your family & friends to second hand smoke, expensive Yes, second hand smoke may cause as much damage as first hand smoke. Yes you CAN get cancer from second hand smoke even if you haven't smoked a single cigarette in your life if you are chronically exposed to someone who smokes around you. The above list is by no means complete, but only what I could think of off the top of my head.
smokin is bad habit,,,some people call it a filthy habit..sound bad huh....those who smoke would be difficult to stop cos its addictive. so dont start smokin is good preventive..
A habbit is not "bad" if it only affects the person doing it. However it IS bad if it affects other people as well in negative ways. In smoking's case, the second hand smoke increases the risk of cancer of those around the smoker, and it may irritate other people who has to breath the same air of the immediate proximity. Don't smoke !
If you really like a person, it doesn't matter whether they smoke or not. Of course if they really like you and you ask them to quit, they would too. I have never dated a smoker so I can't answer you. They really do stink all over.
my boyfriend smokes, i turned into a smoker, we're both smokers trying to quit but we still love each other
actually, i really don like people to smoke. it really causes inconvenience to people around you plus you will be putting your life at risk. thats why alot of countries had been trying their best to discourage smoking^^
It's not outlawed yet; but the government is doing everything it can to make it hard for smokers via increasing taxes on cigarettes, increasing prices of cigarettes, increasing import fees for foreign cigarettes, major cities all over starting to ban smoking in restaurants, lawsuits against tobacco companies. Eventually, smoking will be outlawed or become so prohibitively expensive or inconvenient that only few people will smoke.
Of course smoking is bad, however you can't force anyone to stop, it is their own choice.. if they really want to stop then they will. I personally don't smoke, while i have nothing against other people smoking i can't stand it.. think im allergic?
yeahh even if you don't smoke .. you could get sick from second hand smoke too.. so regardless smoking is bad for you and people around you.