It's Got To Be You, My Love

Discussion in 'Fan Fix' started by, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    no worry la, just write when u feel inspired ;)
  2. Active Member



    I was running into the kitchen when I heard the kettle boil. As soon as I ran in, I slipped on the wet floor that wasn't mopped up and fell backwards, hitting my head on the kitchen bench, the lower cupboard and the cold floor. I felt huge pain going through my head and things were beginning to spin around me. The next minute, I was unconcious.

    I woke up, seeing Rainie beside me in the hospital. I got up and realised my head was bandaged with cotton pads on the back and front.

    "Chuan Yi! Do you remember me?!" Rainie asked, worried.
    "Rainie! You're alright!" I hugged her tightly. "But, I thought.. you were injured.. weren't you?"

    I was confused. Everything seemed jumbled. I remember... I remember...

    "I'm not injured, silly! You're the one in hospital injured from your slip!" She hit my playfully.
    "Slip? No.. don't tell me you've got amnesia Rainie!" I shook her.
    "No... now stop shaking me!" I let go of her.
    "I remembered seeing us crash into a truck... you and Mike were injured and unconcious.. and now, I'm here..." I was very lost. What happened?

    My head spun and hurt so badly. I don't know what was happening!

    "Oh my gosh!" Rainie quickly ran out to call a doctor.

    The doctor came in and checked up on me and asking me loads of questions, causing my head to hurt more. I asked him to stop and he did, leaving me to rest. The only thing I know is that I have gained my memory back and have lost some of the recent things that has happened.


    Days later, I was allowed out of hospital and returned home.

    "HOME SWEET HOME!" i cried out as i dash for my room. Everything was.. neat. I ran back out.
    "Rainie, did you clean up my room?" I asked.
    "No, you did.. when you lost your memory" she just walked of as though it was normal.

    NOT normal! I Wang Chuan Yi do NOT clean up my room unless I am outta my mind! Simply a no-no way... but.. maybe recently, I HAVE been out of my mind.

    School commenced the next day. I returned anyway since I couldn't bare to miss out on anymore school days. As the lecturer was teaching, I just sat there without Mike beside me snoring. I missed those days... where the hell is Mike?

    As I was sitting there, bored as ever, I decided using the time to think of what has happened recently since I really disliked the whole "memory loss" thing.

    Flashbacks that weren't too clear came up to me. Some familiar and some not too familiar. The most shocking one was me KISSING Rainie?! That virgin best friend of mine!? How can that possibly be?! Gasp.

    The bell rang and I quickly got out of my seat, dashing over to the fashion area which was a few metres from my class. Rainie was coming out with her friends when I ran and grabbed her arms and dragged her downstairs.

    "Let go! It hurts!" she swung her arms and I let go as we stopped. "What's up with you this time?"
    "Nothing... just that..." i paused and gave her a smirk before i carried on. "You're my girlfriend and I don't want you to go anywhere else except to be with me!" I came up with the lamest excuse to get her mad.
    "What?! You... you remember?" she wasnt expecting it at all.
    "Of course I remember.. like the things I feel like remembering, of course" I felt like a total jerk. Why did i even bother with this virgin girl? Pfft.
    "First of all, I did NOT answer if i want to be your girlfriend. Second, you've gotta straighten out your attitude because i am NOT liking it a single bit and third of all, I WANT MIKE BACK!" she screamed out of rage.
    "Woah~ calm down dude. I was joking alright? You should know me by now... I like to play up.. and Mike, i miss him as much as you do man.. how about we go to his place and knock down some size into that family of his?" I suggested.
    "Size?" she questioned, looking puzzled.
    "I meant sense.. sorry."

    I drove ourselves over to the He Mansion where expensive cars were parked outside for personal use. We knocked on the bell at the gates and heard a familiar voice answer.

    "MIKE! You're alright! Open up man, it's us!" I called out.

    The buzzer went on and the gate swung open for us. We walked up the drive way to the front door where a guy wearing a full suit oepned up for us.

    "MIke!!!" Rainie squealed as she jumped onto him, hugging him like there was no tomorrow.
    "Hey guys! I missed you heaps!" Mike smiled as happily as ever.
    "Mike man.. where have you been?!" I questioned eagerly.
    "I.. uh.. come in and I'll explain. Not nice keeping guests outside." he allowed us in.

    As we entered, his parents were sitting on the lounge. We greeted them and Mike took us into his room for more privacy.

    "I was locked up for months! I wasn't allowed out until i accept to take over my father's business... I had to since if i wanted to see you guys again. I'm sorry for worrying you guys so much!" he apologised. I could tell he was on the urge to cry since he had a red face coming up.
    "No worries Mikey! As long as you're fine, we feel much much better!" Rainie smiled.

    He smiled back and admired the smile he hasn't seen for months.
    "So, what happened since I wasn't around?" he asked.

    We fell silent for a while before I answered.

    "I played the role as the 'jerk' to keep things more fun.. sadly, this virgin girl here ruined the fun.. and before being the jerk, i lost my memory and recently.. shall i say, yesterday, regained it, thanks to Rainie's mopping skills!" I laughed.
    "Memory loss ayes.. I bet you forgot names of those pretty girls you go out with and what their sexy body looks like!" Mike joked.
    "Ewwww" Rainie covered her ears, not wanting to hear anymore.
    "Hahaha! Yeah man... hmmm i barely remember them and their lovely bodies.. I'm not sure if they even had good bodies." I thought back really hard. I honestly don't remember any of them. Not one bit about them. All i remember was that I hurt those girls.. I played them badly. I was wrong.
    "So, Mikey. You moving back with us?" Rainie asked.
    "Uhh, Rainie... I can't. I think we're to live separate lives from here on wards. But don't worry! You can visit me anytime and when I find time off, I'll visit you guys. Promise aiights?" Mike ruffled Rainie's hair like a little kid.
    "stop it!" Rainie straightened her hair again in front of the mirror.

    "One more thing guys... I.. I'm engaged."

    Heads Up, Eyes Widen.
  3. Active Member

    two chappies up~~ one yesterday and one todayy~~ hmm wonder if anyone still reads this =/


    "ENGAGED?!" Chuan Yi and Rainie belowed.
    Mike nodded, sadly.
    "Impossible!" Rainie shook her head, non-stop.
    "Unecessarily impossible!" Chuan Yi shook his head like Rainie.

    Mike smiled at the two heads shaking and his smile faded after, trying to be serious once more.

    "I'm engaged to your sister, Hebe, Chuan Yi." Mike began. The two eyes widened at the announcement. "I've tried everything to say no to it but no one would listen." Mike sat on the floor in his room, thinking back to the arguments he had at dinner time with the He family and Wang family.

    "My sister.." Chuan Yi got up and rushed down stairs to Mr and Mrs He. "hmmm, I've got a plan."


    "He bobo, He yiyi, why must Mike marry my sister?!" Chuan Yi asked, frustrated.
    "It's simple, Ah Yi." Mr He answered, calmly. "Your family combined with my family and our business put together would make so much fortune! We could become so powerful that we'd over run 80% of the country's business!"
    "You're getting those two, my sister and your SON to marry for money and not love?" Chuan Yi was getting really mad.

    Mrs He just nodded.

    "So, I'm assuming that the two of you married for money too, right? Wasn't love that you both had, it was simply money!" Chuan Yi yelled.
    "Excuse me, Chuan Yi! What we married for is none of your business. Money or love, its the same thing!" Mrs he snapped.
    "Money is not everything!! Money cannot buy love! You don't know what love is because you havent experienced love. What you give Mike, is it love or is it just stuffing him with knowledge of business skills so that he could carry out your fortune?" Chuan Yi began to breathe heavily and was feeling a bit weak at the legs.

    Neither of Mr or Mrs he answered that question. They were too speechless. Rainie and Mike got off their chock of seeing Chuan Yi so frustrated and ran over to him, holding on to him so he wouldn't collapse.

    "He yiyi, I know you're a nice person! Please, don't allow Mikey to marry Hebe jie jie!" Rainie pleaded.

    Mrs He just ignored the pleading and looked away, folding her arms.

    "Forget it guys. Whatever you say, won't make a difference to what they think." Mike looked down, feeling put down.
    "Mike, even if they make you marry my sister, you have every right to reject the marriage! It's your life, your love and your opinion! You have fair rights. You're an adult now, man. Don't let your mum and dad make choices for you! You're no longer counting step by step." Chuan Yi layed his hand on Mike's shoulder.

    Mike just nodded and uttered "I understand" under his breath.

    "ready, ready, ready!" Rainie called out, smiling evily.

    The three looked at each other, smiling as they recalled their call back plan.

    "GO,GO,GO!" the three called out together.

    They dash for the front door and ran out the gate and into Chuan Yi's car. Guards ran after the car but none caught up with it.

    The three laughed in the car and began to mock Mike's parents on the way home.

    The sound of laughter filled the house once again. The house began to regain the warmth now that it's official three owners are back in, together. Nothing could get any better.

    "Too easy" was what they thought. But what they havent thought of is that, would Mr and Mrs He send their men after Mike again? What other steps could happen? None of these questions crossed their minds.

    "Wei, Hebe!" Chuan Yi sad through the phone.
    "Y..y..yea?" Hebe answered with a voice that sounded like she just finished crying.
    "What's wrong? crying?" Chuan Yi asked, concerned.
    "No, not at all!" Hebe clearned her throat, lieing.
    "Whatever.. but about you and Mike's marriage.." he got cut off as she spoke.
    "It won't be cancelled gege! Mum and dad are weird lately! they can only see money and nothing else! They won't stop the wedding from happening! I'm sorry gege!" Hebe cried.
    "Don't cry, don't cry." He hushed through the phone. "I know it's not you fault. I'm going to think so something, alright? We'll get you and your 'lover' together again" Chuan Yi laughed.
    "You.. you know about Aaron?" Hebe stopped crying.
    "More then anything, my sister. Did he not tell you a handsome guy named Wang Chuan Yi is in his maths class?" Chuan Yi smiled.
    "" Hebe answered.
    "Too bad. I know nearly everything about you and him. Nothing's better then university lil one. Anyway, I've gotta go. Take care and don't cry or i'm to get Aaron to break up with you!" Chuan Yi joked.
    "Alright, gege~ G'nite!" Hebe hung up.

    Chuan Yi slid his phone back down and smiled while looking at his phone. Before the backlight went off, he saw the picture of Rainie, Mike and him. The picture they took together in the verandah in the afternoon.
  4. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Pretty cool update. Twist wont be Mike marrying Rainie rite?
  5. SweetCookies74

    SweetCookies74 Well-Known Member

    love this story! =] please continue the story if you stopped writing =] thank you =] can't wait to chapter 9
  6. Darice

    Darice Well-Known Member

    is this story going to continue and the link you posted for the entire story dont work can you please update it thankx
  7. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    woah, someone actually wrote a story. gd job.
  8. i just read this as well.......... !! I hope you have time to finish it =D
  9. haione

    haione Member

    Ilove this