i doubt the accuracy of e survey though.. no statistics given. more like marketing ploy for e club.. haha..
and i thought everyone in japan would of lost their virginity ago. I thought most Hosts at host clubs just tease the girl making them believe that they love her.. they don't sleep with them because sometimes that's what they want and once they get it they won't come back.. but any ways yes its quite strange
That's just... sad. Lol, especially since the Japanese are known to be perverted. I guess we know why now - not being able to get laid.
I totally agree, this is very unexpected to me. Would be interesting to have a similar study regarding women.
hahahahah, yeah, the guy said: "I've been going to yoga classes for ages and can finally get my body flexible enough to move however I want it to," he tells Weekly Playboy. "Just the other day, I finally achieved my dream of giving myself fellatio." HIS DREAM? hahahahahaha.... hilarious This goes to show that what a japanese friend (24 year old girl) told me, about guys there having no real hopes and dreams. Of course I never took that seriously but this pretty much proves her point to some degree.
You took the word out of my mouth!! WTF!?!! He spend time to learn to do that to HIMSELF?!! No wonder their video games all have over developed sexy females lol.
dang... thats freak'n amazing. I guess this what happens when you grow up around porn. All you get are horny guys and girls that are scared of'm so they buy a super high tech dildo. Sooner or later it's gonna turn in to chobits (an anime were there are female robots, and a dude falling for one). Maybe that's why the japanese are leading in certain technological developments