hes my favorite chinese singer. his voicee is so soothing i loveee it. i like a lot of his old songs more than his newer ones though they're all still good. but his slow songs are better :]. as an actor all i saw him in was initial d & i thought he was okay
i think jay chou looks good, cool. and i really like him singing especially slow songs very nice! and his acting is ok i really liked him in initial d it was really funny hearing him speak cantonese
awesome singer! love his songs! He was good at Curse of the golden flower.. that movie's ending was so sad >.<
well my friend is obsessed w/ his songs and when i told her that he has a gf, she was like f***. i, personally dunt like his songs no offence. but if he's my bf, i would be glad.
he doesn't have the greatest voice in the world and his style can sometimes be a little whack, but the music he makes is soo good that it makes up for everything else >_<
i really like his songs.. especially his two latest albums.. thats coz i havent heard his albums before those two.. lol.. but he really is a great composer..
i like ^_^ but i dont like the still fantasy album much.. iduno why tho.. but i got all teh tracks keke