Not the hottest person out there, but his talent makes up for it. Actually, his talent makes him really hot. I'm really looking forward to Slam Dunk (with Charlene, I might add ^__^) Also waiting for him to appear in more shows/movies!
excellent composer and musician - horrible singer and actor. he doesn't really have any emotions. he wants to personify what is to be "cool" or "deow"; but in a sense, he makes it somewhat emotion-less and cold. -shrug idk. imo, i can't see him as a professional, flexible actor and noteworthy singer. great composer and musician - but i think he will be remember for that, not his singing or acting abilities.
Jay chou is so un attractive but yet so talented....I fell in love with voice and music before i even see him!! Actually i find cool only when he doesn't laugh or goshh when he's smiling he's so***######sorry fans
In JJ Lin's new album there is track where JJ and a "Jay Chou" character challenge each other to a battle, and JJ wins Wonder if that got a bunch of people mad?? Haha
I LOVE jay chou!!!! he's so cool and smart and talented. he's the perfect dream guy. you can tell in all of his songs he means it and thinks a lot about everything. he's so deep. god that's sexy!
jay chou... he's okay... to me his albums are kinda stagnant, doesnt get any better or worse. he's just riding the success he got on his fantasy album and is just releasing more asap to make more money while he can. not really trying to explore any new areas of music or much experimentation. no offence lol but yeah he's cool but he's more an idol kind of character whereas like... lee hom is more of a true musician / inspiration type. p.s. i also like jay chous songs lol.
Not so sure though about his new album but he has released a single for his movie, Secret. I love the song and I'm really anticipating for his new movie. I wonder if he will improve in his 3rd movie. :0)
I like his songs because it's r&b'ish, and some hip hop.. If ur into those catagories than I u should like his songs. =o, but not always.. Gooooo Jay Chou!