周董好友:哥們情事 不敢亂講 Jay’s good friends afraid to speak about his love life. Credits: http://udn.com 前天,吳宗憲爆出一句:「有一對眾所周知的情侶早已分手了!」,吳宗憲只放了一把火,沒有道出「情侶」的真 實姓名,卻已在網路成發燒話題,很多網友都在猜,是不是「周杰倫和侯佩岑分手了?」,周杰倫聽了吳宗憲爆料 ,他的反應如何:「我不是忘恩負義的人,今晚,我會上憲哥主持的中視『愛上九點半』。」 至於,周杰倫和侯佩岑是不是真的分手了?昨天忙著拍攝MV的周杰倫保持沈默。 The day before yesterday Jacky Wu (very famous host in Taiwan, also discovered Jay) blurted: “ A well known couple has broken up long time ago!” Even though he did not reveal the identity of the “couple”, it has become a heated topic on the internet, leaving many people wondering if the couple is Jay Chou and Patty Hou. What was Jay’s reaction upon hearing this, he said: “I am not an ungrateful person. Tonight, I will still attend to be guest on Jacky’s tv show.” As for whether Jay and Patty has broken up, Jay, busy with filming of MV yesterday, remained tight lipped about the rumour. 周杰倫的好友「小豬」羅志祥,對「周侯戀」是否畫上休止符,也不敢多講,他只是含糊一句帶過:「周董換電話 號碼,我都不知道,前天,他得金馬獎,我要打電話向他恭喜,都打不通,我和他好一陣子沒聯絡了,我沒有問過 周董本人,感情的事,我真的不敢亂講。」 Jay’s good friend Xiao Zhu, did not dare to say too much about whether the relationship has come to an end. He said vaguely: “Jay changed his phone number, I don’t know, I tried calling him to congratulate him on his GHA, but the call did not go through. I have not contacted him in quite a while, and I have not asked him personally. I really dare not to say too much about the relationship.” 周杰倫推出「十一月的蕭邦」這張專輯,上遍大小綜藝節目,卻沒有排吳宗憲主持的節目,才傳出他和吳宗憲之間 有心結。周杰倫特別澄清,「我不是忘恩負義的人」,今晚,他就會上吳宗憲主持的節目。外界都猜測,對「周杰 倫和侯佩岑分手?」,吳宗憲先爆料,再賣關子,是為了周董今晚上吳宗憲的節目,先作個「暖身」,阿爾發唱片 對外界猜測,不置可否。 For promotion of November’s Chopin, Jay has attended huge amounts of entertainment shows, but has not scheduled to attend the show that Jacky hosts, hence the rumour of Jay and Jacky not getting along. Jay specially clarified; “I am not an ungrateful person.” Tonight he will be on Jacky’s show. Many assume that Jacky is using the story of “couple breaking up” simply to sell and to provide “warm-up” for his show for Jay’s appearance. Alfa Music had no comments towards these assumptions. 阿爾發唱片公司工作人員,每天跟著周杰倫進進出出,這些貼身工作人員沒聽過周杰倫談論侯佩岑感情的事,只是 覺得周董「夜曲」、「髮如雪」兩首歌,都是對「逝去」的愛情,表達悼念,雖然歌詞是方文山寫的,不過,方文 山大部份也是照著周董的意念在動筆,從歌曲反應周董的心聲,就連阿爾發唱片公司工作人員,也在猜測「周侯戀 」的戀曲有沒有變調了。 The staff at Alfa Music follow Jay day in day out, these staff has never heard Jay speak of his relationship with Patty. They simply think that the songs “Nocturne” and “Hair-like snow” express grieve for past “dead” relationships. Even though the songs were written by Fang Wen San, most of it was written according to Jay’s ideas. Interpreting Jay’s feelings from these songs, shows that even the staff at Alfa Music has no idea about the status of the relationship, they can only guess.