Well its more or less like his trademark now, yes?? I mean if he were to whip it off one of these days that would probably be just as weird + he'd be under scrutiny and speculation all over again. Hair or not, I still love his music regardless ^^
I have always noticed his hat, but never really thought about him going bald. just thought it was part of his style. There is this other HK male singer who always wears sunglasses. i think it's just their trademark.
i think it doesnt matter if he is bald or not, however probably to him its a big deal. Baldness is a big blow to a persons self esteem. this is why pple hide it. but either way i think he is still a great singer and if he is bald or not...SO BIG DEAL!
Was at his concert recently and I have not seen him without headwear! I did see hair at the back of his head and sideburns..
haha! now that you mention it.. he does have his caps on all the time. Wonder why.. maybe cause he likes wearing caps and is bald headed? who knows..