Woa What the hell... some Dramatic changes, damn Some of them had hella lot of fat on their face and they ended up having the skinniest.
I didn't even recognize half of the Korean celebs... but wow, changes. And Angie... yeah, if William Hung got surgery and looked like Daniel Henney, I don't know what I'd do...
i think someone's bubble just got busted lolz how do you know what she looked like before to be able to say "no way".. hmm. after watching 200 pound beauty i wonder if its true that though you can look good, all your parts feel fake >.<
Aaah, the wonders of surgery Though for some of them, it looks just like make-up (an intense amount) was added onto them...but most look like they had surgery Kinda sad, eh?
DAMN! Some of those pics was like looking at extreme makeover. Amazing, what plastic surgery can do. Some of those girls looks freaking freaky with those big bug eyes. normal natural "i was born" with big eyes are nice. but those are just disgusting.
lol it seems like its just a matter of time before every single girl in korea has had some sort of facial modification
im so addicted to these kinda befoe/after things LOL but what's with the pic of that girl wen she was like a baby to wen she was older?? there's not much surprise in that, people change.. don't they?
^ lame. dont make me report you and get you banned for digging old threads and post irrelevant comments.