i love kaba modern i cant believe they lost to status quo. i was sooo pissed. now i just hope jaba wockees win. i will break my tv if status quo wins
ehh i dont like status quo at all i wanted it to be kaba mondern and Jabbawockeez in the final but Jabbawockeez will win for sure status quo isnt good my sisters actually friends with Jabbawockeez one of the guys in there just came to chicago and opened up a clothing store cuz Jabbawockeez have one in california so one of them came to chicago and opened up one here its pretty cool i really hope Jabbawockeez win instead of status quo
kaba modern is crazyyyy i just found out about this a few days ago and recently just saw all their videos lol
i just noticed that jabba was doing this for their fallen member. that shows a lot of love. i knew already that jabba is gonna win this. the last episode wasn't all that great though..... but the first dance was pretty good though, with the west cost crews dancing together. it seemed more like they were dancing together and the others were just one crew then the other crew go. i wonder how the second seasons gonna be
Yayyy go jabbawockeez! Everyone knew they were gonna win right from the start anyways. But i just didn't understand how Status Quo managed to get into the finals whilst making 4503534 mistakes throughout the shows. :| RIGGGGGED. Does anyone know where i can watch the last episode? I can't find it anywhere on youtube cos they're deleting them all :(
Hey! Kaba Modern making some hot moves. I am missing out this show of America's Best Dance Crew. Oh well, overall... it was awesome.