Karma Rider - 師父.明白了

Discussion in 'Chinese Drama Discussion' started by shinobi, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    ...Besides eating like there's no tomorrow, he's a kind hearted mendicant who has an uncanny (if somewhat spotty) gift of Lepidopterology related clairvoyance. He had also rescued Raymond as a child, and continues to use his ability to do good and help others. I guess he's just the all around supporting actor that helps Raymond save the day?

    How many here thinks he's going to wind up with the lady boss of the sauna?
  2. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    lol, becauase you're around that age?
  3. Chibi12

    Chibi12 Well-Known Member

    Personally, I think this is a good show probably because of a more refreshing storyline, though apart from Raymond & Evergreen, the rest of the acting leaves alot to be desired.....
  4. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Yay, me just learnt a couple of new words =)

    Yeah probably, but we'll see what happens
  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Actually, even older, LOL...
  6. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    No big deal, you're a wise person =)
  7. wal

    wal Well-Known Member

    near the end, some young dude approaches "fei yer" (evergreen mak) and says he's "chor foon hei", who's that supposed to be? o_O

    nice and interesting ending actually for a change, hinting on a possible sequel? :p

    overall, i thought the script was quite unique. the budget was clearly not anywhere as high as triump in the skies 2, but i thought this was still a pretty decent drama.
  8. jaywong007j

    jaywong007j New Member

    Overall a bit boring sequeal.
  9. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    I believe it was 'lak lay jay', the young kid who was first seen holding a knife, the kid with some missing patch of hair, the kid who was adopted and was named with the surname of the three people: Raymond, Evergreen & Priscilla. He went away with the adopted parents to go school, hence why the young man at the end was dressed as a scholar.
  10. wal

    wal Well-Known Member

    ah yes, totally forgot about that kid, thanks!
  11. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    You're welcome =)


    I forgot to comment on the 'secret' guy, the one who finally reveals his appearance. His sword is so huge, it's like one of those final fantasty weapons lol
  12. aresexculib

    aresexculib New Member

    what dynasty is this story set at, it's not qing dynasty as they say in the synopsis?
  13. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Well, given that none of the male players in the entire series followed the Qing's tonsure edict (shaved front and uncut hair tied into queue in the back; punishable by summary execution if not obeyed), then it seems impossible for the story to have been set within the Manchu period. But, TVB isn't the most accurate of venues; just one look at the wardrobe that the four girls in the Scallion Cake Gang wears (mini skirts, leggings, little leather waist purses) and one realizes that the show is fast and loose with a lot of things in terms of period accuracy.

    For those that want a better understanding about the legend used as a creative basis for this series, review the story of the Butterfly Lovers, often referred to as a 'Chinese Romeo & Juliet' tale set originally in the Eastern Jin (AD 317=420); the first reference of which was attributed to a writer in the Tang (AD 619-907). TVB's version takes plenty of artistic license and invokes multiple pairs of lovers, with the show's Raymond - Priscilla pair being as close to the story of the legend, where their love lasts through "hundreds of years" awaiting fruition. But the ending is rather bizarre, given that...

    ...tracking Priscilla, taking measures that one would associate with stalking, and has Evergreen pen the graffiti (of the incomplete love waiting hundreds of years). This means that somehow, he has cognition of the past events through generations, telling her "good morning" as he had promised to do centuries ago. Also, the original Priscilla character was color blind; in modern terms that would preclude her from serving in law enforcement. Despite that, it seems that she is now the cop and Raymond; well, what is he? Is he a thief and we're going to be treated to character role reversal in a contemporary Karma Rider 2 series? Only time will tell.

    Also, the killers in the series (Law Lan's biologic kids; the one eye assassin, and his two sisters); under just about any dynastic law I can think of, would have been executed already. I don't think they would get the chance to be enjoying mom's home made scallion pancakes with liberal visitation rights if this was anything historically accurate.
    #53 ralphrepo, Aug 12, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2013
  14. wal

    wal Well-Known Member

    didn't they say somewhere during the show that the "butterfly lovers" story was 300 years ago?
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    If that's the case, then the series would have taken place during the Tang, as the Butterfly Lovers Legend supposedly took place ~ AD 400 (ie. + 300 years difference = AD 700 or the middle of Tang Dynasty). But that would predate the discovery of the telescope, but that didn't stop Priscilla from using one in an early episodes; gotta love TVB's take on history, LOL...
  16. wal

    wal Well-Known Member

    tvb always having dramas take place in a special tvb time/reality.

    we should've known that by now actually xD
  17. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    True that; this story took place during the 'TVB Dynasty' LOL...
  18. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    great analysis...I want to say that, base on ancient law, murder is punishable by execution or exile. I don't think there was life in prison back in the day. The laws were simple and complex at the same time. The timeline of the series is very very confusing as it looks to incorporate manga ancient looks (ie Priscilla and other women wearing legging?). Though you did make a point of the original author of Butterfly Lovers. It could be set anywhere between Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty (base on what the officials were wearing, the long hats).
  19. lim850929

    lim850929 Member

    Not yet watch this drama.....
  20. wal

    wal Well-Known Member

    why comment then?