they have really good chemistry <3 i hope the rumours were real ^^" that would be so cool if they dated each other
Kevin & Nike were very romantic. This serie was good !!! Enjoyed it. The love between them was very sweet. Looking now ''Under the Canopy of Love''.
ye, personally i think bosco and myolie will be together one day, not kevin and niki, the age difference is too much, i reckon they will be very gd friends.
Kevin once mentioned that they have to have some feelings for eachother to be able to act as a couple, so I really hope they are dating in real life. They are so cute and sweet together!! Bless them, bless their love!!!
Always agree that both of them make a good couple in all series included this series. In this series they end up together and married with one daughter but is really sad ending that Niki had to die and leave her husbund and daughter alone.
I really like the Kevin and Niki combination. I think they have great chemistry. I hope they have more collaborations in the future.
i never get sick of them! they should be a couple in real life....i think they are my fave too! really good together!
they look soo good together! if only they did get together.. age is just a number.. if the attraction is there then thats all that matters! bosco and myolie do look good together as well..
I like Niki & Kevin as a couple too but ya kno the rumors of Charmaine & Kevin do ya think thats true or....