ugh, i hate kevin cheng, well.. hate is a strong word.. i dislike him. his acting in this is really bad... my god is it ever horrible.. what makes his acting seem good is that he plays a villian. Being evil and being mad is the easiest type of acting to do, atleast that's my opinion. I've had to act as a mad son before, a villian, but being a worried and/or good character is by far the hardest. What i'm getting at is that Kevin's cheng's ability to cry is utter CRAP!!! Episode 33 with his father, he couldn't cry at all, and then his voice went all high pitch and shaky, which was too unreal to match his tearless face. His facial expression was by far laughable, it was a cross between smiling and frowning, if you pause every now and then, you'll have afunny display picture for msn. Yes, what i said about kevin is harsh, but i just don't like him, and the writers made this guy wayy too evil,, give me a break. I can only imagine the ending, it's probably going to be crap; bad guys always win.
-unsureI like his acting, but not in this serie as I never saw him in a bad character before. Can't convince myself that he is the bad guy now...<_<
lol, i agree with most of you... yeh.. his crying sucks!!!! and yeh, he can act pretty good as a baddie. Is this his first series that he's a baddie? But in this series i really hate hate him!! lol.
i didn't like it when he was cryingg...=_= his voice cracked but i like it that he's trying to improve in acting because he's accepting more varitey of characters and not just "nice" characters. all in all, he's alright in this series. =_= not the best. it could have been better though
even though i love kevins acting and hes really good i wanted to kill him in this series he was soo annoying i liked him in all his other series i think its because he was playing a bad role in this but i guess he was doing his job and he did really good
at the beginning i loved kevin in this series. he seemed so perfect... even if he was gay. i thought gigi shoulda picked him... but what do u know. there are never perfect guys in this world... he ends up being a loonatic
i think he was the best character in the series. it was just stupid to see gigi's reaction when she knew that kevin was gay... one of her best friends in the series is gay too! so why was it shocking to her?! i still hate the fact that tvb made fun of gay characters. its so stupid. it would have been cool if fala was lesbian XD
I like Kevin Cheng, but he needs to improve his crying scenes, Moses does a better crying scene than Kevin... but I still support him!! Go Kevin Go!!
I think Kevin did a good job as a baddie in this series. Give him a break; give credit when credit is due..