Killed over a slice of pizza

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by faijia, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

    Oh in australia, some guy stole ice at the zoo and jumped the fence but

    he didn't make it out lol....why? he jump half way but he landed on the FENCE which was one of those sharp ones....

    he landed on the most sensitive part of the human body....between the anus and the pen!s lol....

    thats a pathetic death..
  2. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    LMAO. that .. is .. so .. bad.
  3. BigM

    BigM Well-Known Member

    ROFL It sounds like some horror movie come true.

    But.. Then there is the argument whether guns should be legal or illegal in the States.. And whether there should be stricter laws governing who can own and use a gun...
  4. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol , also, another pathetic death in aust is , rolling down the hill in a wheelie bin, apparently he killledhimself
    -_- , not a good idea anymore isit?
  5. toshina

    toshina Member

    That is so retarded. But then again, if people can shoot other people because of getting cut off on the road, I guess this doesn't come as a surprise. More like expected.
  6. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    well, on the other hand, since we're having this crowded population of earth, it's a good thing that every 30 sec, a person dies. jking...... and im not even laughing.
  7. Thats crazy, well he will soon be sharing a prison cell with bubba
  8. BigC

    BigC Well-Known Member

    and his uncle is a police officer... what a dumb kid, I guess that what this world is coming to.
  9. FYI 10 percent of Earth's surface is lightly or densely populated. the overpopulation lie is just an excuse for mass genocide but that's another thread.