^ Not true... Althought some Asian girls have natural straight hair, many of them got wavy/frizzy hair too @_@b
^ curleys better than straight in my opinion... straight is orignal........ curleys something different....
permanent straight hair? most likely a result of using a flat iron. ceramic one too. that's the best.
korean girls are just good looking end of! tbh my dream is to find a korea or japan g.f but i cant see that happening :(
i want curly/wavy hair...cos my straight hair is SOO BORING T_T and eveyrone in school straightens their hair..so nothing special..as well as boys..
i thought wavy hair/curls are asian girls' must have, koreans included. i prefer wavy- straight is so boring (what i hv now..boo) and flat..
I guess straight hair is more manageable? Not only Koreans have that too. I think most Taiwanese/Hong kongers also? I thought of straightening my hair too but never got around to doing it. haha. and now i think curls is the 'in' thing too.