almost all i know come from rich families who buy their way into college... and when they get to college they fail the crap out of it because they're so retarded... ahhaa
korean girls are hot and sexy. u cant relli judge someone from their nationality. its all the same for every girl. soem are stuck up, some are shy etcc etc. its girls we are talking abt... ahhaha
I agree with Bloddyy... you can't judge based on nationality even if it is postive praise for their looks I dorm and its coed i live next to 2 korean girls side by side one is amazingly smart, innocent and quite pretty as well but the other one is quite rude, stuck up and a butterface theres alot of asians at my University and these characteristics are present in all nationalities...not just koreans so this stigma on korean girl is ridiculous...maybe in some regions there are high concentrations of them who look and act this way, but it does'nt represent all korean girls in general by the way...this is coming from a korean guy who was born here in the states...and im not a f-ing banana(though my status is banana cause im new to PA)
lol. yea, i feel u. I felt the same before i join PA, lol. i like koreans especially the girls, altho i dont have any korean friends. btw, welcome to PA. Best site for asian forums.
I feel that no matter where you go, there will be girls who are uptight and unfriendly. After being in Korea for the past 2 months, I feel that I can say that Korean girls are just reserved and dont want to come off as easy. Even when I went to clubs there i had to figure out a way to dance with them. There are just cultural differences...just like girls from any country
why are u posting so many useless posts? one post was sufficent. anyway back to this topic, i think there are cute and beautiful girls everywhere rele.
I detect -spamfrom lyhoa05 Well not all korean girls are good, you do get the occasional gold diggers, especially the ones that dress themselves up so much
and who is at fault when girls are stuck up and gold diggers? Often enough men are willing to be gold digged, their own fault.