Korean ppl and Chinese hate?

Discussion in 'Korean Chat' started by dawgxmaster, Mar 9, 2008.

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  1. Miniaibon

    Miniaibon Member

    Since I go to a school where Japanese, Korean, and Chinese students often intermingle (yeah... 25%+ international student rate does a lot for the diversity of the student body) I see a lot of "conflict" (as in, much inter-hate). I doubt it'd last for long - I am of the opinion that this is more because they're all nationalists and that its a passing phase. As a korean, though, I will say that a lot of asians are REALLY nationalistic. Regardless of which country they're coming from - and they're a lot more racist than any of the other people that I know (even the adults are, which is surprising).
  2. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    they're probably sick of each other. If they come to the US, they will learn to be supportive regardless which type of asians they r.
  3. an0nymous

    an0nymous Well-Known Member

    I think its them. My korean friends get along with my friends very well. My gf use to live and hang around alot of korean. so yeh. its them. I know korean hates US tho. but who doesnt?
  4. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    i fuking hate US. i wanna go back to where my parents' from. OR, i wanna go to japan. Japan is probably one of the few places where i could chill and see great things.........the girls, the cars, the gadgets....,etc,etc.
  5. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    koreans and chinese have no beef.

    but, i do just hate one korean guy in general. the rest are fine.
  6. hophop

    hophop New Member

    I agree that Asian are very nationalistic, partly because the governments typically plays the nationalism card to divert their people's frustration away from internal issue. The examples can be seen from time to time in the mainland China. Most Chinese people stil have tremendous resentment over Japanese brutalities in WW2. It's hard to forget when you are being reminded every now and then.

    The certain Korean folks that hates Chinese or Japanese in general could do so because of the same mistreatment Chinese did to their homeland or their ancestors in the past. Contrary to another post, these haters might as well the most ardent readers of their own history books, and presumed to be better educated.
  7. crystalized

    crystalized Member

    I'm surprised NO ONE mentioned the Korean War! Hello??

    Well anyway, one of my Korean friends told me that the grudge (of some) Koreans against Chinese has to do with the fact that if China hadn't participated in the Korean War, North Korea and South Korea would be one country. Instead, they're divided because China prevented South Korea + US from taking over North Korea.

    It's not a major grudge though, I don't think it permeates through Korean society.
  8. dmogg29

    dmogg29 Active Member

    Hmm not that I know of but then again I don't really know Korean people.
  9. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    Are you talking in general or individual?
    I'm chinese and my friend is korean and we dont hate each other or talk shit about each other's race.
  10. rNb99

    rNb99 Well-Known Member

    the koreans i know are really nice and have nothing against the chinese.
  11. akoke

    akoke Member

    aren't koreans and chinese friends and against japanese? o.o
  12. type_hks

    type_hks New Member

    i think everyone should get along...each culture has its ups and downs...this debate could go on forever lol :)

  13. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    some koreans have a bit of a problem wiht chinese ppl
    they also have problems with japanese ppl =/
  14. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    i hate people that hate!!! -whistle (some irony)
  15. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    Koreans / Chinese / Japanese all hate each other due to the past when they tried to invade each other in different eras.
    Who cares if koreans or japanese ppl hates or likes Chinese ppl? Would it be the end of the world if they hated us.
  16. D-Kimbo

    D-Kimbo Well-Known Member

    I don't think there is hate between the two countries in general...maybe some political issues about land and helping North Korea...but I see no problems
    I think the person who made this thread has got some issues with their friends that needs to be adressed...

    I got a Chinese friend who talks trash about Koreans and our crappy Hyundai cars and Kia's...and I talk trash about Chinese and their plot to kill mankind with their lead infested products.
    It's all for fun and people need to learn how to disregard it sometimes

    In addition, I know some ppl mentioned that there is "beef" because of the Korean War and past conflicts that happened long before they were even born...
    I think thats BS...I bet no one on this thread was there to witness or be part of the war or past conflicts. As a result, no one has the right to say - this is why theres "beef " between koreans and chinese.

    It good to know our histories, but lets not repeat bad history and make the same mistakes from past generations by hating one another...
  17. Ereos

    Ereos Well-Known Member

    no matter how i think of it
    i do not think there korean x chinese people hate
    more like chinese x japanese hate due to the history

    but for me this is the first i heard of such a thing
  18. lomaichi

    lomaichi Active Member

    korean girl are picky and hard to date!
  19. ilovekrns

    ilovekrns New Member

    There will always be a select few or a minority of people who are racist towards a specific ethnicity within any race of people. Everyone is prejudice, superficial, and racist to a certain extent.
    The one ethnicity that Koreans still have some tension with is Japan. Japan refuses to apologize for its militaristic aggressiveness and use of Korean comfort women and still honors its dead generals that committed war crimes when Japan took over Korea. Now it is trying to claim Dokdo island which is has been inhabited and maintained by Koreans and geographically closer to Korea. However, I do not know how deep seeded this tension exists within the two people. I think the dispute over territory is sparking a lot of controversy because Japan is just started to incorporate in textbooks the idea that Dokdo belongs to Japan, which will make the dispute more heated and deep seeded in the future.
  20. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member


    LOL... That's too bad; and it's also too bad that this thread is a discussion of Sino-Korean relations. It appears that you've placed your profound commentary about the difficulties of the social selection process by Korean girls in the wrong place. :kekekegay:

    In terms of pure political tension, the historic animus as a residual of Japanese colonialism still doesn't even come close to that which resulted from Stalin's little misadventure on the peninsula, dividing north and south into the armed camps that we know today for well over a half century. During that conflict, war crimes perpetrated by American, Chinese, and even Koreans themselves; against each other and against their own civilians, would rival anything that was condoned during Japanese colonialism. This comment in no way, is meant to suggest absolving the Japanese of their war crime responsibilities but is intended to illuminate the fact that every participant throughout history had dirty hands in varying degrees. :ugh2:

    The territorial dispute issue of the islets known as
    the Liancourt Rocks (named after a French Whaler that almost shipwreaked there in 1849) is something that has been an ongoing political thorn for both the ROK and Japan. Referred to as Dokdo (var. Dokto, Tokto) in Korean or Takeshima in Japanese; the barely habitable islets have been occupied by Korean police and administrative personnel since 1954. The islands sit almost exactly midway between the Korean and Japanese land masses with a narrow shade of difference favoring the Korean side. The dispute centers on the eventual control of the islet's fishing grounds, along with suspected undersea geologic resources (natural gas reserves). Personally, I think that for islands that have been in dispute for over a half century (like so many that lie along the Pacific Rim), the notion of territorial claim along the 12 mile international rule is what has been blocking movement towards adjudication or resolution. That is, if you gain control of that point of the map, you also control an exclusive 12 mile zone around that point, inclusive of all rights and resources found within. Thus if one gains, another loses; such that both will keep vying for exclusive control. -what?

    IMHO, these islands should come under demilitarized administration by the United Nations, be controlled by UN peacekeepers, with the provision that either side can use them after granting of a permit application from the UN. Obviously, this will not sit well with nationalists on either side of the argument but it is one way of resolving the issue fairly. Forget about the photoshopped or redrawn maps that fill the bulk of either camps arguments. We as an internationally focused world, have to proceed with how it impacts on the world today. :yes:

    Going back to the main issue though, I have to say that there will always be people the world over who steadfastly cling to parochial notions as a way of dealing with their own insecurities. The world is a very small place, and there is frankly little room for such attitudes. People just have to learn to live together and to get along. -noclue

    #40 ralphrepo, Aug 23, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2008
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