I like the La Femme Desperado better the Family Link. I find the La Femme Desperado have more meaning to it than the Family Link.
hmm... yeah, i personally like LFD most probs cos of the cast. Raymond Lam!! hehehehe* but this series is good! its good for the mum's to watch it. hahahaha.
i like both but LFD's storyline flow smoother while there aren't many villains in The family link except for a couple of bitches...i really like michael in LFD...he's nicknamed 'Jin Man' which is very funny
lol i like lfd way better! it was the original thats why... tvb sucks when they try to make a part two to a film. but i still like tfl coz sheren n michael is in it. its kinda light heartedly funny. but LFD was still the BEST
LFD was better than this, in my opinion. They were both aiming to show the public about the difiiculties that woman and see lai's face in everyday life, but I think that LFD's...err... message(?) was more strongly proven. I think it's because they had a better cast? I don't know. -lol
I like them both. LFD is more about the problems from a woman without childeren, a career and . and TFL about problems form woman with childeren and basicly no career at all.
La Femme Desperado, its so much better, it has a better storyline, nd actors/actresses 2! the familylink ending wasnt very good either!
La Femme Desperado is a lot much as most people would say because of its storyline and the different actors/actresses that play in it
i like family link better, just because LFD is too boring. in family link there is so much happening and it is funny. there are good actors in that one.
personally i have no idea LOL well i thought that both were great and both received great ratings. but i thought i liked the cast of link more although i thought if raymond was in it too then it would have been pretty cool, loved leila in the series she was really pretty lol =)
i think both shows are different ones a family show and the other is about the strength of a women with/without a man so as opposed to which one is better its a toss up la femme deperado is nice for a singles point of view but for a family fun and laughs ..... recommend both
talking storyline-wise, la femme desperado is better in my opinion. it also got best series at the 39th anniversary awards. i recently finished the family link and i thought it was good, but not as good as la femme desperado.