Laptop Overheating~~~

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by honkiebonkie, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    LOL, i actually did that -lol but i wrapped it in like 493504 bagss -blush2- so it wouldnt leak or anything. it cool it down.. its not that hot now.. but steam, crappy cs/ half life still wouldnt work tho =/
  2. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

    laptops usually get overheated very quickly so best
    advice is to not use it for that long+ 1 questions to all the laptop owners
    how long does a laptop battery usually last for b4 charging?-unsure
  3. depends. not all laptop batteries carry the same charge..

    for example, my fatass battery lasts for 2 hours during minimum processing.. thats because my laptop is a power house... shes a whore for power.. extreme laptops have batteries that can last till 13-14 hours.. but most ive seen lasts about 3-4 hours on average..

    on a side note, do you guys leave your power cables plugged in with the battery pack, even after its fully charged?

    i did that with my old battery, and it killed it.. had to buy a 70 dollar battery replacement.. now i leave my battery out everytime its plugged into power..
  4. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    ye thats what i do, i leave the battery out everytime it is plugged to the power socket unless im charging the battery. but tbh i don't think it matters to much these days cos of the development of lithium ion batteries. apparently u can charge it at anytime, but i don' t leave it in just to be on the safe side.
  5. ^ well, my battery aint li-ion =)
  6. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

    humm ok den so if a laptop battery just last for a hour
    does it mean its crap?
  7. ^ then its not much for portability lol
  8. Rev

    Rev Well-Known Member

    It's crap when your laptop doesn't start even if its fully charged or last for few mins.

    Just remove the battery when you don't use it or it will die
  9. deadman_inc

    deadman_inc Well-Known Member

    best thing is to get an external fan for it...generally cheap...20 bucks for a standard good for me...since i use a HP Pav too....
  10. Spike23qq

    Spike23qq Well-Known Member

    LOL dan your avatar is jokes XD
  11. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    you can place your laptop on your lap, if you know where the fan takes air in is.. usually in the right or left corner..
  12. how is it jokes lol

  13. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    that rebate cant buy shit-_- $800 for a new laptop? itll save money.. but i only bought this laptop last year.. its pretty new, one of those 13.1inch screen ones.. which means its small.. but backed with features.. -inlove probably have to pay 4 times as much to buy this one now !! its asus btw :)

    mine lasts for like.. hmm.. 1.5 hours.. not much.. but its always on charge anyway -lol

    nahh, it would be inconvenient.. having your laptop slanted most of the times.. =/
  14. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    yesyes a lot of my friends complain to me about this ..
    they either got a external fan or they just put it on something solid, not any type of fabric

    I don't get it either ... -mellow
  15. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

    ok thank q 4 telling me this info people...
    im gonna get a laptop now;)
  16. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    lol go for some cheap laptops if u buy it:D as well as get a cooling pad.. much more better to have a cooling pad.. but it takes up 1 usb space:D lol powered by usb:)
  17. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

    yep im back and i got a new laptop now so cool-rolleyes
  18. love2007

    love2007 Member

    Why not open it and clean up the dust. That is what i do with my notebook.
    Still working here :)
  19. tie624

    tie624 Member

    you should probably clean the dust with the compressed air and also get a cooling mat. with a cooling mat, you can use your laptop for years without it overheating, unless the fan stops working.
  20. we should count how many people in here have suggested the use of compressed air.

    if i get 50 cents out of everyone who did, i can buy myself a magazine to read.