this series and pretty good and the ending is alright you cant say its great but i liked it and Bernice looked really pretty and sexy!
ew0614, haha, yeah, that's what I thought too, but I guess it's safe to assume that it has already been a couple months or so and she's out of jail. Overall, I like the series. The dancing was OK. Bernice couldn't do much because Steven isn't exactly a pro-dancer like she is in real life. The dance competitions and scenes of Bernice and Steven were my favorite. The ending was good since it summed up everything. I just didn't like how the series was more about herbal tea than dancing, but it's TVB way of preaching morals. Also, the plot was inconsistent at times and I'm not too happy with that, but it was minor. My focus was only on Bernice, Steven, and Wayne. They did great. Kudos to them.
Wactehd last episode today, I didn't know it the last episode!! I was expecting more!! hahaha. But the ending.. hmm... it was alright, I mean that Amanda broke her leg - which she ji gei lor lei. The whole ah jung and sum ying at the end was sweet - awwwss.. snow! hehehes. Pretty random how they ALL danced! lmao. Pretty weird how Karmen showed up at the end when she's in jail right? =S But I really didn't like ah dat and si man pairing, I mean its like a ji dai luen. I mean si man was more mature for him I reckon. But overall, ending was a happy ending.