Last movie you saw, v2.0

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by hiake, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    *~Put my HP nerd hat on~*....wait for it.....p.s Spoilers

    Fantastic Beasts.jpg

    Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!!!! - had to get its own post space :lol:

    It was brilliant!! Eddie Redmayne is so quirky and has that slight shy/awkwardness its endearing and kinda cute.

    The different worlds inside the suitcase was so amazing, really praise the filmmakers for putting in the effort to make it look so real and life like.

    Plot wise, it was pretty good, didn't disappoint especially as the screen play was written by JK Rowling herself (Y)

    Colin Farrell looked quite dashing and charismatic in his get up, too bad he was bad, or was he?
    nice twist towards the end revealing that he was actually the evil wizard Grindelward played by Johnny omg..but under the polyjuice potion.
    You never find out what happened to the real Colin Farrell but maybe leaves it open so he could potentially appear in the other sequels?

    Shame that the MACUSA had to go and destroy the boy, i knew it was him lol! Just gave off that dark, creepy vibe - kinda like those horror films and you get creepy kids? That feeling. The boy didn't deserve to die but i reckon he did somehow survive.

    I didn't really like the american terms though, its muggles! not no-maj :smh:

    Lots of subtle connections that will eventually lead to the beginning of the Harry Potter universe.

    Newt Scamander will write his book that ends up being one of HP's textbooks.
    His grandson will eventually marry Luna Lovegood ~ like woah he's actually still alive i guess in HP timeline and he appeared in the Marauders Map in PoA.

    I know we're defo guna see the infamous battle between Grindelward and Dumbledore sometime - johnny depp in action? oh yeah ~
    and probably see the beginnings of baby voldemort being born, and possibly touch on Newt and Hagrid's experiences in Hogwarts, and his relationship with the Lestrange family.

    I can't wait for the future sequels to be made, its guna be good - i can feel it in my bones

    P.S I found my own niffler in the natural history musuem :yes:
  2. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    Train to Busan -

    So sad ~ not your typical Asian horror film with the scare.
    Has more of a walking dead feel than resident evil.

    I enjoyed the film although it made me feel sad and emotional towards the end ~ the song they used was very appropriate and it set the mood , others may recognise it from lilo and stitch and that was pretty emotional too.

    Really disliked the rich old man, he was such a douche all the way! And it was all his fault the father got bitten ='(

    Was a very good film overall (Y)

    Ended up watched XXX last night,

    Vin Diesel and Donnie Yen collab

    Lots of international stars in it, nice mix up it was a nice touch
    Kris Wu, miss Bollywood,
    Some funny scenes too, action was good.
  3. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    You're probably the only few who liked AOA over CW which is awesome, although they both were great but since I'm more a of mutant lover I would be biased to say that AOA was better haha. I just binged watch some HK movies some were good and some were eh...
  4. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    I was looking forward to Civil War but I just felt they dragged out the some of the scenes before the action started ( I kinda fell asleep :lol:)

    Talking about that ~ I was watching Now you See me 2 with my mum,
    It was alright but number 1 was much better, most of the good scenes was already in the trailer tbh.
    The card scene dragged on foreverrrrr ~ before they got out the room.
  5. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Good movie too and agree I think the magic parts were better in the first one, and Daniel Radcliffe as one of the villains was like eh and having the twin Woody Harrison was kind of stupid too, but other then that it was still pretty good especially how they wrapped up the origin story of how the dad passed away and Morgan Freeman was a good guy at the end.
  6. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    Pride & Prejudice and Zombies.....rahhhh...I've seen it like twice now lol.

    This film was surprisingly good. Its not a serious film. I've never been super into P&P even though its a classic.
    But something about this just caught my eye lol - mash up of a classic, throw in some zomibes...and surprisingly it works..

    Sam Riley - his voice was just so deep and rough....when he confessed it was like...ah my heart..
    So much unresolved sexual tension as well and a bit of feel it, and i'm like gahh...wish they would just do something and kiss!

    really really liked him, think he really brought Darcy's sentiments alive.
    Action fight scenes was hilarious, they can fight but some scenes were pretty exaggerated.
    I kinda hope there is a sequel because there was a cliffhanger but lets see.

    FInally got a chance to watch this.
    Alot of gore and violence but i wasnt turned off by it. Somehow it just made sense with this storyline.
    The little girl was good, her fight scenes was pretty awesome too...her stare was a bit creepy at times but she fit the role well.
    Was sad about prof X and the ending.

    and finally to appease my disney love.....

    Beauty and the Beast!

    I loved it, i would probably watch it again. They did stay pretty true to the cartoon.
    Even though I will always see Emma Watson as Hermione from HP, she was alright as Belle.
    I did have to stop myself from singing along. The new songs was pretty good, they can all sing! (with the help of some autotune but thats okay)
    Luke Evans as Gaston was hilarious and his sidekick too.
    Maybe i've seen too much kdramas or romance, but like during the fight scene when Gaston shot the beast several time and Belle was helping him up, I kinda thought/hoped she would take a bullet for him - that would have been a nice twist and dramatic.
    And when he changed back into a human, his human form was a bit meh..Sure he was 'handsome' but it just didnt give me the feels.
    Preferred his beast form instead lol...grrrrr.

    Confession: I may or may not have shed a tear during one of the scenes......:sweat:
  7. dendrodiking

    dendrodiking New Member


    awsome! :D :D
  8. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Technically it's not a movie :p Just saying is all, it is a great reboot of the series though.
  9. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    I'm surprised no one has posted anything yet about....Fast and Furious 8

    I did like it, the action scenes are very OTT but it was good.
    But it felt similar to XXX, similar storyline bad women in charge....
    The baby twist was kinda sad, he named him BRIAN :(
    Luke Evans and Jason Statham...they were funny and good to see them in it.
    I wonder how much more can they milk it........

    Also went on a Star Trek marathon....but only with the recent films with Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto....(Y)
  10. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    I wasn't going to watch it but the Rock redirecting a torpedo made me want to watch it lol

    anyways just finished watching Wonder Woman, that movie was very good, I was pretty satisfied when I came out vs BvS and Suicide Squad
  11. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    Wonder Woman is not appealing to me at the moment, still haven't seen BvS and Suicide Squad ~ heard too much 'interesting' reviews..

    Looking forward to Baywatch, can't believe one of the girls is from Percy Jackson!! She developed well :lol:

    Also looking forward to jumanji, and girls trip lol
  12. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    o yea i want to watch Baywatch too, I usually always watch the Rock's movies even if they're shitty lol, you talking about Alex Daddario?

    anyways, really liked WW, I recommend it actually, I would say probably my favorite DC movie since the Dark Knight trilogy, over Man of Steel, BvS etc
  13. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    watched LIFE. was just a giant octopus w/ alien feel. wished it was better, but it wasn't.
  14. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    Yes her! I forget her name lol ~!
    Okay I shall take your recommendation into consideration lol ~! How's Chris Pine in the film though?
  15. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    he did alright, my girl wanted to see it just for Chris Pine and well...female super hero...I wanted to see it cuz...well you know, "female" superhero

    jokes aside, the pacing of the story is very good, they didn't turn corners like BvS, they kept it very simple throughout, Gal Gadot shined as Wonder Woman. Though it is 2.5 hours, so they didn't rush like they did in the past
  16. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    Finally watched the Kingsmen ~ considering they filmed it near my workplace
    I really liked it! I liked the cast ~! Who knew Colin Firth could move so quick, first time I've seen him in such a action role.!
    The girl - Gazelle, she's crazy lethal with them 'legs' awesome, although for some reason i was hoping she be on the good team.
    Samuel Jackson, knew he was a crazy rich maniac anyways some of the scenes reminds me of a Tarantino movie,
    But Eggsy, wowee, now I can put a face to the voice ~ the guy can sing!!!! And he defo looks quite dapper in the suit ;)

    Cant wait for the sequel
  17. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    that's old eh.. lol.
  18. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    beauty and beast was alright. emma looked kind of fake in some scenes. i guess the musical thing was just weird cuz the lip sync. the beast did look freaking scary and creepy in some scenes. like imagine a 'real' beast, in a biblical sense. he had hooves, hair, a terrifying voice, and a stature of an 'animal'!

    feel like emma lost her halo/appeal too. just didn't have the 'charm' as belle had in the cartoon. still one of the better ones.
  19. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Finally saw Batman v Superman.
    Surprised I actually liked it.
  20. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    It was a simple plot but I liked it. There was some funny parts. Wasn't expecting them to 'play' with a dead guy's penis, that was random.
    Zac Efron - his body my god, he got super duper hench - was a bit scary tbh
    Alex Dadarrio? - She definitely grew up since Percy Jackson times.

    Dwayne Johnson is always enjoyable in a film, I liked his little fish tank statue.

    Transformers: The Last Knight

    Sigh... what a hot mess!
    I do enjoy transformers but this one was like all over the place and the duration was so long!
    Yes there was action, you see the transformers but the plot and the characters was just jumping all over.
    A little bit of this a little bit of that.
    I thought it was going to be similar to a Logan feel with the girl as the focus but then it switched up to another woman being the main lead.
    Too many leads, too many story shortcuts it just didn't work for me.

    The butler robot reminded me of CP30 and the squeezey/squeak blue robot was like a WALL-E.

    I didn't like the 'bad guy' doing the TRF reminds me of another baddie from another film - he has a punchable face.
    Lennox looked good with the salt and pepper hair, Mark Wahlberg's arm muscle is scarily big.

    I know there will probably be a sequel not including the bumblebee film but I hope the story is better. More partnerships with china.