Last movie you saw, v2.0

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by hiake, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    im actually planning to see that eastern promises. a tino fan..from dusk till dawn to bill..
  2. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I had high hopes for Eastern Promises, but it fell short... Although the transformation of Mortensen (into a "Russian", complete with mannerism and accent) was quite something.

    Tarantino... Still like his early 90's works best. Kill Bill was good but IMO overrated in the general population, not in a million years I will say that's the best work of Tarantino, let alone the entire history cinema spanning almost a century. I can't quite help but smirk (or giggle, depending) when I hear someone say "Kill Bill is the ultimate film" New Classic, maybe, but still quite far from THE ultimate cinematic work.

    I am off to see Elizabeth tonight... If I get in... Hopefully Cate Blanchette is there -blush
  3. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    yesh i watched protege as well.....danie so so hawtttt -inlove

    just watched an old film....shawshank redemption very very good :)
  4. MasterJin

    MasterJin Well-Known Member

    Seen a couple of oldies in the last few weeks:

    Garden State - Very interesting and great job 2 Zach Braff's 4 his 1st directed movie.

    Zodiac - Not very good. Quite boring and really long. Didnt quite understand it either. Thought it would be as good as Se7en, but that was way off!!!! Se7en is still the best serial killer/thriller movie i have seen.

    City Of Men - Only one word to describe this movie : CRAP!!!!!

    In Her Shoes - Wasnt brilliant, but had some good moments. I would watch it again just to see Cameron Diaz. She looked gorgeous in this movie.

    Lock Up - 1 of Sly Stallone's best movies. Brilliant actin by Sly, just an awesome movie.

    Azumi and Azumi 2 - Thought the 1st 1 was brilliant for like the 1st 40mins or so. Then it just went stupid with all the special effects etc. The japanese always exagerate with the blood and guts. lol. The 2nd 1 was just rubbish.

    I did watch some other movies but cant remember what they were. They must be crap if i couldnt remember them.

    Oh n master_g: u fell asleep in the 1st 10mins. i had to wake u up several times u joka. lol. Next time we will go see a better movie if one comes out. This time we will make an in-depth analysis of the movie making sure that it is good since everytime we think of going to the cinemas to watch a movie, we end up downloading it n it ends up being stupid. e.g. Smokin Aces 4 example. Oh n no Wake Of Death!!!!! Layer Cake ALL THE WAY!!!!!!! HAHAAHAA

    P.S. Abdul said Revolver is SICK!!!!! Hahahahahahahaa
  5. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    La Sconosciuta and Becoming Jane last Saturday.

    La Sconosciuta
    is a thriller/drama about an Ukranian woman with a dark past who tries to beome a servant within an Italian family and wants to get near the little daughter of the family who have some sort of rare neurological disease. Very violently parts but a very intriguing film with a beautiful soundtrack by Ennio Morricone! -blush2

    Becoming Jane is the costume drama about the life of Jane Austen, the writer of Sense & Sensibility and Pride & Prejudice. It was ok...only went there to please my friend though hehe.
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    La Sconosciuta sounds like an interesting film, the Giuseppe Tornatore-Ennio Morricone produced some of the greatest works in contemporary Italian cinema (IMO anyways)... Loved Malena, Legend of 1900 etc... And of course Cinema Paradiso!!!

    I wanted to see Becoming Jane, but heard some indifferent review of it that Anne Hathaway wasn't great with James McAvoy so am still kind of hesitant to it... -unsure

    But I saw Elizabeth: The Golden Age at the TIFF gala, Clive Owen, Geoffrey Rush and best of all, Cate Blanchette was there!!! It was quite an awesome film, I was very glad I saw it during TIFF (before it is wide released) The cinematography was a lot more intricate than the last film, and Cate Blanchette's performance was simply overwhelming... A nice score by Craig Armstrong was a much-appreciated perk too -cool


  7. soldier244

    soldier244 Well-Known Member

    saw was pretty funny and nasty
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Nasty? In what ways??? All I've heard so far, from guys and girls alike, had been unanimous praises of various degree...
  9. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I think he means vulgar. Which it is, but its still hilarious.
  10. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    LOL, no wonder... I am sure that's not a concern of most people I know -tongue2
  11. laziboi

    laziboi Well-Known Member

    i just watched the zombie movie "28 weeks" at my friends before. the movie is fully siq!!
  12. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    About La Sconosciuta: I do have to say the end is not totally satisfying though. Let's say it starts as a thriller but it ends as a drama.

    And Becoming Jane:'s certainly not at the same level as Elizabeth: The Golden Age... Maybe it's better if you wait till one of the channels broadcast it on telly. -unsure

    And I personally don't understand why the producers have chosen James McAvoy to play the male lead! I 've sene him in the UK serie 'Shameless' which he had a nice role as a rich car thief but I don't think he's suitable to play in a costume drama. And to make it worse; he's gonna play in 'Atonement' which is based on the book of Ian McEwan. I've read the book and I just can't picture him as Robbie Turner. >.<
  13. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Forever Never Anywhere (OT: Immer nie am Meer) is an Austrian film about three men being trapped in a car with no immediate help in sight. Then comes an evil young kid who treated them as his new behavioural experiment subjects... Very low budget, dark, I had expected existentialism as a theme but it wasn't quite there... It was a darkly hilarious (at times scary) film in all... The only thing I hated about this film was the subtitles: white subs on white backgrounds (and at times, no subs when the characters obviously had spoken)

  14. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Frontiere(s) is another one of those torture p*rn flick which involves enough fake blood and gore to leave anyone lightheaded. With a storyline oddly similar to last year's Sheitan by Kim Chapiron... It is oddly hilarious in the most disturbing sense (if you managed to laugh seeing SAW, you'll be able to do the same at this and other torture p*rn flicks)

    Unfortunately, Frontiere(s) is unsatisfyingly anticlimatic. But never without a galore of gore, leaving the audience thinking "too much information"...

  15. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    ^ Not really a fan of Torture p*rn flicks. I don't get why people even watch them. I prefer horror movies with some thought put into it.
  16. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Once a while I can appreciate a nice gore/torture film a la Saw or Hostel...just pure sensationalism and having a bit of twisted mind I guess :p

    Sounds and looks like a movie to my taste! :D
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Well, a good torture p*rn used to worth its weight in gold. Until every horror become torture p*rn like now...

    Unfortunately, if you've seen Sheitan last year, Frontiere(s) is SO unoriginal... -dead
  18. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    ^ (I haven't seen Sheitan...) -unsure
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It's disturbing beyond belief, though not necessary for the right reasons...
  20. MasterJin

    MasterJin Well-Known Member

    Shietan? is that in indian movie by any chance? in hindi sheitan means the devil. lol