lool me too kay, mee too...he's so cute loved him in cardcaptors and tsubasa chronicles <3 probably a girl cosplaying but meh....
maybe its a guy w/ feminine qualities aww 小狼 was like my dream guy in elementary school-drool still rmb that last scene in the movie, where Sakura jumps over to him when she knw that he didnt died to sth, tears fell :tear: there are several scenes in the anime that made me cried too :(
lol i hope its a guy then lol yes he was my dream guy too, along with inuyasha they're so cute and yummy in the 'anime' world lol
yes kakashi is really yummy too, and for a while i did find sasuke quite nice but didnt become a 'fangirl' over him lol
pew pew pew xD ....... *gun zooms in contempt* *does hand motion like reloading* 500 scopes and a kiweeee